breaking molds, portraiture, cherries, walking, excentricity, pirates, loving the self /others, the seasons, overcoming fears, whiskey, non-judgement, exploring the inner idiot, trying everything once...
Hunter, S. Thomson, Steve Buscemi, George Sands, my great x8 Grandfather, Chief Seattle, Louise Bourgeois, Andy Warhol, The man who lives in that beautiful, brightly painted, tumbledown rose surrounded house on Lewisham Way, You Lot and Bob.
anything that reaches the soul
In this world of power games one often finds it difficult to hope for the bigger picture; for truth and love. There are though a few strong people, who's belief in us and the world we live in as a place of equality and freedom, ignites the optimism within us which is crucial for remaining strong in our hearts in our struggle for humanity...It is important to learn from the experience and beliefs of historical figures such as Buddha, Ghandi, Tolstoy, Lenin, Jimmy Carter, Rousseau and many more but for me what is equally important is to add to the energy being created by people who are alive and doing things right now. Someone who gives me hope and makes my heart stronger against the phantom power of those who have scared us so deeply into apathy is Hugo Chavez: This doc is inspirational! 4