Who was that bearded man with a magical staff named moses?
Revisionist history. The lies and deceptions on which our cultures are based.
And those little shiny things that float around in front of our eyes.
Friends - old and new, historically important people - time travellers.. the Count of St. Germain, Richard Francis Burton at the age of 25, Ahura Mazda, Special Agent Dale Cooper, identical cousins, young people with large beards, people who like doing stuff.. geeks.
Anything psychedelic..
a bit of alternative indie,
These guys:
When I want to hear amazing music on a beautiful analogue sound system, I go to parties where this guy is dj'ing: www.myspace.com/cedricwoo
and his crew at www.voicescollective.co.uk - They play it all.:)
These radio stations: - CBS
http://www.xstreameast.co.uk/archive/jilted.m3u - Jilted - Limbiq Frequencies - Outre Lounge
And this website:
www.lovefingers.org !!
Alll on valves
PS. Bobby McFerrin, the dude who sang "Dont worry be Happy", didnt committ suicide! Its just a popular urban myth.
Kubrick, Godard, Jarmusch..
Adam Curtis
Lucky People Centre International !!
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, The Autobiography of F.B.I. Special Agent Dale Cooper: My Life, My Tapes.
Every book written by Philip K Dick, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life: Volume 1 by Drunvalo Melchizedek, and Graphical Object Oriented Programming in Java by Robert Zimmer.
George Monbiot - www.monbiot.com
If anyone knows where I could get a copy of any of the text from The Travels and Adventures of the Three Princes of Serendip.. please let me know! Seriously. Id love that. Thanks.
In mythology and legend, a man or woman, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his or her bold exploits, and favored by the gods.
To me there are many heroes. There are at least 4 in my top friends..
People with the intelligence and strength to stand up to our barbaric warlord oppressors.
People who do what they truly think is right.
Everyone with natural intelligence, positive awareness and perspective understanding helping to further the evolution of consciousness.
Yehuda Shaul
Avichai Sharon and Noam Chayut
Virgil Griffith
Bao Xishun - Worlds Tallest Man, Dolphin Saver, hero.
And Mike of course! - www.miketheheadlesschicken.org