Elrodworld profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Human girl....a little strange, but harmless most of the time. Update: Lately, I've been really down due to the death of my cat Thor. It really ripped me up inside to be without him. We adopted a new cat Penny and just this weekend we adopted 2 new kittens. See my latest blog entry for the whole story. My spirits are lifting. Kittens do that to ya!

Update on Choptop's BBQ:
There's been a server issue. So to those who have sent in photos....please wait just a bit longer. I've got pages ready, so as soon as that server Gremlin is caught, hung and roasted...I will post a slew of new pages!!!!!!

To submit your photo Click Here and visit Choptop's photo page. Click on the link on the top of the page.
Or send them directly to Elrodworld for submission.

My Interests

Working on website: www.choptopsbbq.com

I'd like to meet:

Mr Bill Moseley...again. I need my Choptop fix...it's been about a year since I had my eyes on him. I miss him!!!! But I get to see all of you lovely people and your pics as I update the photo page. At least it's something.

Hey Folks! Are you hungry for Choptop's BBQ? Click the shoping link below and order yourself something good!


Cornbugs, Black Sabath, the Supersuckers, Divo, The Cramps, Rob Zombie, The Norsmen, The Makers, Sex Pistols, X, Black Flag, The Odd, Thee Vicroy's, Old Metallica, Queen, Gwar, Blondie, Billy Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, The Midnight Evils, The Slits, Patti Smith, P.J. Harvey, Duran Duran....yup...I admit to that. Tomahawk, The Ramones and many others.

And Just because I own all of the below CORNBUGS CD's and DVD's does not mean that you can't own them either....just buy them...they don't bite and you will enjoy listening to Bill Moseley voice as much as I do.


Order the DVD at the BBQ

Order the DVD at the BBQ

Brain Circus
Order the CD at the BBQ
Download At Rack-O-Records

Celebrity Psychos
Order the CD at the BBQ
Download At Rack-O-Records

Donkey Town
Order the CD at the BBQ
Download At Rack-O-Records

Rest Home For Robots
Order the CD at the BBQ
Download At Rack-O-Records

Skeleton Farm
Order the CD at the BBQ
Download At Rack-O-Records


Horror, Old Horror, Monster Movies, Crappy Kung Fu, Crappy Porn...it makes me laugh. Westers, History Epics, anything with Pirates!


CSI: Las Vagas, Medium, House, Survivor, King of the Hill, Southpark, Survivorman, Old Star Trek.


Lot's of them....all kinds...I have a problem with storing them in my house..because I want to keep all the books that I buy. Someday a Bookslide will kill me and no one will find me in my house till it's far to late to tell who I was...and the books will stink like rotten flesh.


My Mom and Dad.

My Blog

Things look better with kittens.

So, I've been really down, because my cat Thor passed away. Now I know that some might think...just a cat..get another one, but Thor and I were really connected. We did get a cat from friends and she ...
Posted by Elrodworld on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 01:50:00 PST

Sunday...a hot fucking sunday.

So, today was Sunday.I was up all night pecking at code...so I woke up at 10 am. I had to take my aunt shopping today...4 hours of shopping 3 stores..and hell of a lot of things to haul up to her apar...
Posted by Elrodworld on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 08:57:00 PST

Dream from last night

So it does not really matter what I watch on TV...my dreams always are fucked up...here's the one I had last night. There was a British guy in my front porch...he was drinking tea and he told me I had...
Posted by Elrodworld on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 11:05:00 PST

The dream I had last night

I'm a geek....I watched all of the StarWars movies last night...then there was this show about cannibals. I was sooooo sleepy. My eyes were closing and my head was knodding...but I kept watching. I mu...
Posted by Elrodworld on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 10:48:00 PST

I forgot about this blog....words....I will write words.

So, it has been a hundred years since I added somthing here. I have a lot of catching up to do. Today was boring. I caught a glimps of my DickHeaded neighbor out in his yard....half naked as usual. Hi...
Posted by Elrodworld on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 09:29:00 PST

Check out this video: Get the Godzilla

Posted By:ElrodworldGet this video and more at MySpace.comCrypticon 2006...
Posted by Elrodworld on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 02:52:00 PST

Ode to a Dickheaded Neighbor

Sunday Morning:Even though I wrote this at noon....Ode to a D i c k Headed NeighborBacon is frying My neighbor should be dyinghis dog barked all nightthat just ain't right!I could hear it bark as soon...
Posted by Elrodworld on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 03:52:00 PST

Texas Frightmare Weekend

So this happened in Feb..but I'm just now getting all this info up on what a great time I had there. TX Frightmare Weekend- 2:00 AM 2/3/06Left St. Paul MN traveling south on 35E. S MN- Steve is still ...
Posted by Elrodworld on Tue, 07 Mar 2006 05:47:00 PST

It's all new to me!

There is a first time for everything...so now I get to take Horror Convention virgin off my list.
Posted by Elrodworld on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 10:08:00 PST