Horror,horror,horror, did I say horror!
The Shat! He was one of my first crushes back in the day! I love to watch him on Boston Legal. He is hilarious! I met Bill Moseley a few times, he's great! (I must have a thing for Bills!) I have met many horror actors, and they are awesome!
Too many to list! Right now listening to the Cornbugs. I love the Grateful Dead!There's nothing like a Grateful Dead Concert!It was a sad day on August 9,1995.
Devils Rejects, H1000C, TCM2, Evil Dead, Evil Dead2, Army of Darkness,Day of the Dead.I love Radu, the coolest vampire ever!Subspecies 1,2,3,4.
I always try to watch the original Star Trek Eps every Saturday.The Sopranos.
Pet Sematary,The Stand
My dad.