I kick ass! I am fully loaded with everything you need to have a good time, I live at the playhouse, I hate Chairy, I had to get a restraining order against the dumb bitch because she would throw shit at me and anally rape me. but most of the time she kicks ass, who I really hate is the king of cartoons, one night at a party, he made me give him a hand job, he sucks ass! I fucking hate him...pee wee kicks ass, though, he took me to this strip club and we were all getting lap dances, and I got a reach around by a cigarette machine, I am a big TV star. I want you to buy Pee Wee's playhouse on DVD, I need money to spend on hookers and drugs, also check my daily bullitens for the secret word, I always put up a secret word, and it always kicks ass!