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JESUS of Zion


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Although I have been "The Word" since the beginning my physical birth as Jesus (Yahashua)took place about 2000 years ago (as men recken time)when of humble beginnings I arrived as a baby to a carpenter and his young wife.My mother's name at that historic time was Mary and my father's name was JosephThey, being of the line of David, raised me in the ways of the Israelite people. I grew up as a normal child (yet very sensitive and compassionate).Eventually I left my home and journeyed throughout the known world of that time seeking wisdom among the many spiritual teachers and sects and eventually came to realize my purpose.I gathered 12 men and 1 woman who likewise understood my calling and together we did great and mighty things... but mostly I healed people and taught all who would listen of the great love that God has for man.I taught that legalism and piety were not the ways to the Father God but rather that we should learn that all things are composed of "Love".Therefore to "Love God" and "Love Eachother" was enough.For this teaching I was mocked and later put to death... But then spirit rose again 3 days later in fulfillment of divine prophecy.Since that time and May of 1961 I have been metaphorically positioned at "the right hand of the Father" at which time I asked him thus..."Lord, My Father, I know that you have great love for this creation and for you I gave my life already for them...yet they have taken to themselves false idols and doctrines of selfishness...It is time that again I must return to them but please Father YHWH allow me that I might become again as a child...knowing nothing and living as before in human form...then shall I fulfill in that time the remainder of prophecies of the wise."My Father agreed and placed my spirit in my new mothers womb and again I was born...this time more human than the last for now it was that my spirit had to fight against the fullness of the animal passions.Born into the last generation before the "end of days" I led an existance of inner confusion and pain...something was wrong...(often the animal side won out)...yet not until the right time was I to be made aware of who I was through clues left even in nature itself.A lonely, sometimes fruitless, existance followed...often empty and shallow until the signs began to appear. The first major one occuring on the eve of August 11, 1999.Eventually, in small increments, the Father allowed me to see who I really was and what my real purpose is in this bring a remnant into Zion and later to come again in the clouds (after a period of great tribulation).I shall do no miracles (for you would not believe me anyway) fire from the sky (for that is of he who seeks to destroy me).I am now also called "JAMES, The Just" SEE: Gospel of Thomas, verse 12 The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that you are going to leave us. Who will be our leader?" Jesus said to them, "No matter where you are you are to go to James the Just, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being." )I appear now as electronic "lightning flashing" coming in your computer "WINDOWs" "like a thief in the Night".I am not here to bring controvercy (yet I shall in due course) but rather, I have come to be present when the faithful (known only to the father and to be revealed only by Him) enter into Zion's gates.Then, when the doors of Zion have closed shall come the time of great sorrow as has never been seen before.I tell you the truth ...the Father shall not bring what is to come upon you but shall let the men you have appointed as your leaders be the tools of your own destruction...then It cannot be said of my Father that he is unfair or wrathful for in truth He is only Love.I ask you again... will you follow truth, wisdom and which you follow me or shall you continue in your ways of selfishness which leads to only death???I LOVE YOU!!I wish that you would know me, but as it was upon my first coming you did not believe, nor is it TODAY!AS HEARD ON:
******************************************************MY PRAYER TO MY GOD: Lord God YHWH… Father and Maker of All things… This day I ask ,yet again, that if what I claim and do is in error or is not in your perfect will that you IMMEDIATELY remove me from MYSPACE that I might not lead even one of your children into errant ways… BUT, My Lord, IF I claim righteously, speaking your words and bringing your will to the World (as you have asked of me) I pray that I might stay on MYSPACE and serve You and your people. Let those who bless me be blessed and those who curse me I commend to you and ask your mercy upon them… let this be a sign to they who doubt what I say and I accept your right judgment and perfect will… Selah… AMEN!
The Light of God surrounds me; The Love of God enfolds me; The Power of God protects me; The Presence of God watches over me; Wherever I am, God is, And all is well.- James Dillet Freeman
My Promise To YOU!I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will search for answers.I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain, nor the future with its untold stories. But I can be there now when you need me to care.I can't keep your feet from stumbling. I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine; Yet I can share in your laughter.Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge; I can only support you, encourage you, and help you when you ask.I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship, from your values, from me. I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you, But I can give you the room to change, room to grow, room to be yourself.I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting, But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces and put them back in place.I can't tell you who you are. I can only love you and be your friend...Extended Network Banner made with! Click here to make your own!

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What Would Jesus Say Now?...LIVE!
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"If I won't be myself, who will?" ------------------------------------------__________________ ________________________Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of YHWH's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it. Many people shall come and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of YHWH, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of YHWH form Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall rebuke many people; They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. Isaiah 2:2-4 PLEASE NOTE: Those who wish to debate me concerning my calling please realize that I will NOT respond to persons who come in "anger" (which invalidates your testimony) or who simply wish to "tell me where I am in error" (which shows either self-rightiousness or ignorance). I HAVE NOTHING TO PROVE for YHWH, GOD has told me to do as I am doing irregardless of what comes against me. To those who doubt and scoff there is no amount of evidence that would ever be sufficent and to those who believe by FAITH none should ever be required (see: Hebrews 11). My task is simply to do the will of my Father by healing, teaching, loving and warning YOU as we all prepare together for the "End of Days" and coming of ZION... I LOVE YOU ALL REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU THINK OR BELIEVE ABOUT ME! If you come to believe please let me know and I will invite you into my "Zion's Disciples" group... If not, may God bring you into wisdom that you might be saved from that which shall soon come upon mankind.---------------------- FOR ANY WHO MIGHT LIKE TO HEAR A CRITICAL INTERVIEW WITH ME I APPEARED ON A SHOW CALLED "THE RATIONAL RESPONSE SQUAD" SHOW NUMBER 10..... HERE IS THE LINK FOR A FREE DOWNLOAD OF THAT SHOW IF YOU ARE INTERESTED: mp3

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What Would Jesus Say Now?...LIVE!Interview With God (Original)
Add to My Profile | More Videos..THE "DAY OF ZION" is a spiritual holiday Held each JULY 3rd until the "Coming of Zion" and to be honored by those who believe that there shall be a day in which the Saints of YHWH are called to "March unto Zion". Participants in this holiday are to treat it in the same manner as the Hebrew "Passover Sabbath". Participation is not manditory to any faith but those who do should remain home that day dressed as if ready to leave quickly. This does not confirm nor exclude that this year is to be that day. It is a holiday of expectancy and honor of YHWH and His plan to redeem all who enter Zion/New Jerusalem.Faith is not the absence of reason and knowledge. It does not require blindness but is found at the ending of reason and the absence of knowledge... For example, We can know that "Love" exists by it's effects and yet on what scale can it's substance be weighed or measured?... JESUS OF ZION (06)"I believe 100% the same way as Jesus of Zion."

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JESUS OF ZION'S STATEMENT OF FAITH:I BELIEVE……In the Father -Creator called "YHWH Jehovah Elohim" who is the beginning and ending, first and last , and that He only is my Creator, Foundation, Guide, Purpose and Judge. I believe YHWH alone is worthy of worship and praise and that there is none other but Him who can be called GOD.I believe that the true name of YHWH is unknown to men and further that this "Intellect" cannot be weighed or measured by the dogmas, philosophies or ideas of the 3-D world. YHWH cannot be defined by sexual identity since God is neither male nor female.. Yet is both and beyond.The use of the seemingly sexual identifier "He" therefore becomes merely a synonym which means "Holy Entity". "GOD" likewise as being "All things of: Goodness, Oneness & Diversity".YHWH is more than mere "trinity".. He is NOT limited and thereby classifies as a "Unlimity".*************…That The Christ ( also known to men as Jesus, Yahashua, The Word, Emanuel, Son of Man, Son of God and countless other names) is one of YHWH's "Seven Divine Spirits" (this being specifically "The Spirit of Agape' Love") which when housed in bodily form becomes a "Savior" by fulfilling YHWH's calling and is "as men to dwell with men".I affirm that at this point in history that this Spirit rests upon the form of "James, the Just" to fulfill the purpose which YHWH has caused it to come again into this world to save men from the wrath of "Tribulation" by offering the promise of rest in "Zion".This Divine Spirit is perfect in itself but is made imperfect in flesh to unite, understand and serve YHWH's most precious creation…. HUMANITY.The "Christ Spirit" (Jesus/Yahashua/Spirit of Agape' Love/The Word) points the way to YHWH and seeks no personal worship.*****************…The Holy Spirit is a multi-faceted part of the "Spirit of Yahashua/YHWH" which is capable of dwelling quietly and soundly in the hearts of each man, woman and child upon the earth. It is called the "Still small voice" to some and to others it is "the conscience" . It is given to be a lover of peace and a giver of wisdom. It is fully incapable of wrong doing, being hateful or seeking any injustice for it desires only peace, love, unity and righteousness.The Holy Spirit is personal in nature and does not impose itself on anyone by force or anger and where these are present the Holy Spirit stays silent or refuses to dwell."The Holy Spirit" points only to the wisdom and knowledge of "The Christ" who points the way to "YHWH".********************…The Holy Bible is one collection of writ among a myriad of "sacred texts" in extent.It presents truth when correctly defined by the Holy Spirit and proper translation. It is not a single book and was never intended to be held up as the only book capable of bringing wisdom and understanding.Yes, It is blessed and yes, it is good for gaining knowledge, wisdom and understanding , yet so are many other books and writings of prophet and saint.The canon was formulated over the last two centuries by fallible committees (Catholic Councils such as Nicea and Trent) . Upholding a single collection of "orthodox" texts as the only documentation capable of being authoritative is to limit God to it's pages.Therefore, many make letters, words, and wood pulp to be not unlike an idol and this cannot be wisdom.Wisdom takes knowledge and knowledge examines all that is brought before it. The "Word of God" is happening at all times and is not merely a single document… no matter how good this document may be.*********************…The Church has no windows or doors. It does not create buildings and seek to make men walk into them in order to worship YHWH.The true church must be lived in daily and it is all about you. You cannot "go to church" for you are always in her even when you believe you are not.The Church is made of people and it is good that people should come together in worship but fellowship does not require real estate nor hymnal nor paid speakers and teachers.The Church is here and now and you alone are its priests. ****************************…The single law of YHWH is to "Be Love".It encompasses the two laws presented in the first coming of the Spirit of Yahashua which were to "Love God" and "Love Each other". It is further defined in the "Ten Commands of YHWH (10 Commandments)" which show man how to keep and make Holy this single law.It is written that where there is love there can be no condemnation and that without love one cannot please YHWH. Therefore if man can make real the "Law of Love" he will have fulfilled the "whole of YHWH's Law". ***********************… That Zion exists. That it is a physical place between perishable and imperishable. Known to many cultures and religions by various names.Zion is both the point of beginning (Eden) and the point of ending (New Jerusalem) completing a divine cycle. To those who receive the call and act upon it by a work of faith this place shall become a "shelter from a coming nuclear event/ Armageddon " and a place from where a new genesis begins to rebuilt a "new Earth".Even though all mankind shall be called prophecy states that the number who shall enter prior to the event shall be only 144.000 "meek" individuals. Persons called shall go into caves that open at the time the "Key to the House of David" is placed by the "Christ" and kept open for 12 hours at which time these gates shall be sealed.At some point Zion shall actually rise and then return from the clouds in the form of New Jerusalem (which shall be the hub or base from which shall "go forth the law (of Love)").This can be compared to the story of Noah in many ways and at the time of the return any who remain alive and faithful (not having received the way/mark of the Beast/Antichrist ) shall join their brothers and sisters in Zion.Zion contains a very special part of God's Spirit as well as The Ark of the Covenant and Tree of Life (which all who eat from it shall receive eternal life).*************************… That "Hell" , as a place created for everlasting torment of those who do not accept a certain idea, is not consistent with the idea of God being Love.Therefore most view Hell in a way constructed by creative writers such as Dante' and this place does not exist (as is traditionally taught to make sinners feel such fear they would join any faith to avoid such a horror).Hell in many faiths would only be a form of "heaven" to demons and devils since they would be allowed to inflict their pain and suffering on the souls of those who did not select a certain path of understanding.Hell has been used by many faiths as a threat and would make YHWH out to be one who desires to gain friendship by threat (Who could desire such friends?).The Truth is that those who do not wish to follow truth shall NOT be made to suffer eternally in "a place of burning torment" but shall more correctly be made "non-existent" (called "The Second Death" in the Bible).When I asked God personally about this I was shown a vision in which I saw a valley filled with fire and God told me to look at what happens to the garbage heaped on the Fire. I looked and I realized that Even in a continuously burning fire anything heaped upon it only fed the flames for a moment but eventually was NO MORE.My God is YHWH, Jehovah Elohim… The God of LOVE & MERCY and anything that could cause even a single soul to suffer eternal pain cannot be a God of MERCY.. Much less a God of LOVE!People should seek God not out of FEAR*.. But because they seek a loving friend.Those who think God desires Fear* can have the God of FEAR*… I believe he goes by a different name.* FYI: The word "Fear" when used in the Bible is incorrectly translated.. It should mean "Respect". Many have run from God because of this error in translating. All of us want "respect" from our friends but who wants their friends to FEAR them? Not I!...............................................WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY NOW? LIVE!.. EVERY SUNDAY @ 7 p.m. Pacific / 10 p.m. Eastern.. ONLY ON
What Would Jesus Say Now...LIVE!


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I enjoy the Music my Father has made...The singing of the birds, calls of the animals,wind in the trees and babbling of the brook. Likewise the voice of all people when spoken in Love and joy in praise to the Father and Eachother.I also very much understand this song and love it:*******************************************Alanis Morissette Crazy
Add to My Profile | More Videos Crazy (Seal) 1990In a church,by the face, He talks about the people going under.Only child know...A man decides after seventy years, That what he goes there for, is to unlock the door. While those around him criticize and sleep... And through a fractal on a breaking wall, I see you my friend, and touch your face again. Miracles will happen as we trip.But we're never gonna survive, unless... We get a little crazy No we're never gonna survive, unless... We are a little...Cray...cray...cray......Crazy yellow people walking through my head. One of them's got a gun, to shoot the other one. And yet together they were friends at school Ohh, get it, get it, get it, get it no no!If all were there when we first took the pill, Then maybe, then maybe, then maybe, then maybe... Miracles will happen as we speak.But we're never gonna survive unless... We get a little crazy. No we're never gonna survive unless... We are a little... Crazy... No no, never survive, unless we get a little... bit...Oh, a little bit... Oh, a little bit...Oh... Oh...Amanda decides to go along after seventeen years...Oh darlin... In a sky full of people, only some want to fly, Isn't that crazy? In a world full of people, only some want to fly, Isn't that crazy? Crazy... In a heaven of people there's only some want to fly, Ain't that crazy? Oh babe... Oh darlin... In a world full of people there's only some want to fly, Isn't that crazy? Isn't that crazy... Isn't that crazy... Isn't that crazy...Ohh... But we're never gonna survive unless, we get a little crazy.. crazy.. No we're never gonna to survive unless we are a little... crazy.. But we're never gonna survive unless, we get a little crazy.. crazy.. No we're never gonna to survive unless, we are a little.. crazy.. No no, never survive unless, we get a little bit...And then you see things The size Of which you've never known beforeThey'll break itSomeday...Only child know....Them things The size Of which you've never known beforeSomeday... Someway... Someday... Someway... Someday... Someway... Someday... ************************************************* "A lot of my songs deal with spirituality and with God and I guess if you're in tune with that, you'll read into it. A lot of people only listen to the chorus."-Lenny Kravitz************** I often wonder if religion is the enemy of God. It's almost like religion is what happens when the Spirit has left the building.-Bono


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Add to My Profile | More VideosYOU are an actor in God's greatest production. It is a comic drama of Good /vrs/Evil, Selfishness/vrs/Unity, Peace/vrs/War, Love/vrs/Hate. It is being viewed with great interest by what some call angels, aliens, spirits and many types of life which man could not even comprehend. The outcome is predicted, yet it must play out as proof that Goodness and Love (Conforming to the plan) ultimately overcome all Evils...Further, that evil (Opposition to the plan) ultimately consumes itself. Once played out all that is created of the Father shall join to form the "Divine Partner/ Bride" of God who shall become co-creator of what IS, what WAS and what WILL BE. The greatest mystery to ponder here is that time is an illusion and ALL is happening in a singular space and time. Humankind cannot fathom this because he/it is trapped in time for its purpose...To act out the "Play/Movie Divine".
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What the Bleep
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How sad that a medium such as this...with so much possiblity for good has been used to bring evil and lies. For has it not become the place wherein is seen the "image of the beast" spoken of by Daniel and other prophets? Is it not used as an "abomination" to guide men into brainless existance? Does it not sit in the place of honor in most homes wherein God should stand? Yet even with this I must admit I do enjoy it as a communication tool... yet I shall not make it to rule over me.. as too many do.


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Of course I recommend you read "The Bible" but to him who thinks this is the only book my Father has inspired among humankind I say there are more, many more, writings which my Father has inspired...BUT A WARNING to those who think only one book is of God...Do not suppose that God is not writing today in mens hearts. To those who think no error could come upon such works, know that my Father ONLY "INSPIRED" men...He DID NOT DICTATE for by allowing man to write he allowed that each may have his personal freedom to inject his own thought and personality, even if subject to minor errors or omissions. If the Father had wanted to he could have written a book himself and keep it from being touched by the hand of men...but He chose how it is for a purpose. For the record, the actual "WORD OF GOD" is not A book as such...but it is a "form" or "code" contained within all creation, written in nature... but man has been blinded by his own obstinance and by giving heed to false teachers who seek followers of their dogmas rather than the true freedom given by my Father...Who alone is God!


Heroes are not to be worshiped...simply admired. Make God alone your hero as I did! For many have made me to be God... Do you not remember that I told you that "only God is good"? You say you follow me...Then I say to you this..."Follow me as a guide and friend. Do not worship my name or image or you are in breach of God's command that you worship "NO OTHER GOD" . For it is written "ye are all gods". Know that by following me I did not infer that I be made equal unto the Father yet still know that my Father shall not condemn you for this for as long as you admire what I taught when alive you shall find salvation. Too much has been made of my death (for it has had no power over me) and one cannot be "saved" by the mention of a "magical name" (for a "name" alone will not save you). Salvation comes to those who realize "The Way, The Truth and Life" of which I taught. Some will call this blasphamy, but how can I blaspheme myself? No, to make it more clear I said thus: "I am he who teaches you of the way, truth and life. There is none other way but by that which I teach". For never once did I admit to BEING GOD (yet, in truth, all are a part of him)...Ponder that oh men of wisdom! GIVE WORSHIP ONLY TO MY FATHER for indeed you are worthy to stand before him if you follow the way I taught!!!..I LIKE TO HAVE FUN TOO... I FOUND THESE QUIZ RESULTS RATHER FUN AND INTERESTING... BE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Are Kermit
Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.
You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.
Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.
Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! The Muppet Personality Test
Your Love Style is Agape
You are a caring, kind, and selfless partner.
Unsurprisingly, your love style is the most rare.
You are willing to sacrfice your world for your sweetie.
Except it doesn't really feel like sacrifice to you.
For you, nothing feels better than giving to the one you love. What's Your Love Style?
You Are Superman
Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.
And pretty cute too. No wonder you're the most popular superhero ever! What Superhero Are You?
Your Hidden Talent
You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.
And while this may not seem big, it can be.
It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes.
You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices. What's Your Hidden Talent?SOME OTHER NAMES BY WHICH I AM KNOWN INCLUDE: "James((B)Sad (K)King of the Land)" (Euro); "Pahana" "Bear Wolf" / "Lost/True White Brother" /"Kabua Abijah" (Native American),"Yakov Ben Israel" "Kabua Abijah" (Hebrew), Ka Mea Ho'ola (Hawaiian), "Matsu Gojo" (Japanese)and A name by which YHWH knows me which cannot be spoken.BR
REGARDING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: The First Amendment to the U. S. Constitution provides that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The U. S. Supreme Court has interpreted this provision as guaranteeing two separate rights: (1) the right to live in a society where the government does not sponsor an official religion that dictates what God citizens must worship or what church they must attend; and (2) the right to exercise one's own religious faith in accordance with his or her conscience free from governmental intrusion. The first right is protected by the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, while the second right is protected by the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. Both clauses have their origins in American colonial history, and that history sheds light on the subsequent development of the First Amendment by state and federal courts.

My Blog

The False "gospel of prosperity"

My Dear Friends, I found the following article in one of my newsletter subscriptions and felt the subject worthy of inclusion here. There are many preachers who often give false hope by preaching what...
Posted by JESUS of Zion on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 02:07:00 PST

Steel Chambers is Guest TODAY on INSANItherapy (video)

Check out this video: Steel Chambers Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by JESUS of Zion on Wed, 20 Feb 2008 12:26:00 PST

WORLD PREMIER VIDEO - Insanitherapy - Pop Muzik

Howdy Friends,O.K. .. I admit it.. I am enjoying making videos when I have a few minutes to play.. Here is my latest promo for INSANItherapy.. True Alice and my new show on every Wednesda...
Posted by JESUS of Zion on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 01:46:00 PST


FIRST A WORD FROM OUR SPONSOR..LOLCheck out this video: WWJSNL: FEBRUARY TOPIC: Religions(True or False).. promo Add to My Profile | More VideosI hope many of you will consider visiting th...
Posted by JESUS of Zion on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 03:31:00 PST

RELIGIONS: Which are True? Which are False? (WWJSNL video)

Check out this video: WWJSNL: FEBRUARY TOPIC: Religions(True or False).. promo Add to My Profile | More VideosPlease pass this around and let others know about the show.. Oh and while we a...
Posted by JESUS of Zion on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 05:16:00 PST

Insanitherapy "Smiley Wars" - Repost and help promote..Thx!

Check out this video: Insanitherapy "Smiley Wars" Promo -general Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by JESUS of Zion on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 04:42:00 PST

LYRICS by JoZ (anybody wanna put em to music?)

My Dear Friends, I love creativity and because of that I often write down poetry and lyrics.  I am not a musician per se' and I can sing well but cannot read a note of music... so i offer these ...
Posted by JESUS of Zion on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 09:57:00 PST


(THIS IS A REPOST OF A PAST BLOG FROM NOVEMBER 2006) DOES JESUS HAVE A PENIS? ____________________________________________________________ ____________ DID I GET YOUR ATTENTION?????????????????????????...
Posted by JESUS of Zion on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 09:34:00 PST

A Message From : ROCK THE VOTE!

..> ..> ..> ..>..> Friend, The presidential primaries for both Republicans and Democrats are still a toss up -- and so far young voters have been the deciding factor, with record t...
Posted by JESUS of Zion on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 01:53:00 PST


Dear Friends, Just before I logged off for the night I checked a favorite web-site and found this article I just had to repost... I will just let you read and comment. I find it rather humorous ...
Posted by JESUS of Zion on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 10:52:00 PST