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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

“Even surrounded by coffins, bats, a life-sized Frankenstein statue and legendary fright-meister artist Bernie Wrightson, Fisher's the scariest thing in the room." Wizard Magazine:The Guide To ComicsThere is precious little that outlaw filmmaker Hart D. Fisher hasn’t accomplished.He is a successful horror author, a critically acclaimed poet (Poems for the Dead), a savage spoken word performer and a sharp new voice now lending his unique talents to the world of music videos, having directed cutting edge videos for international death metal legends Obituary and kings of black metal Dark Funeral. His first feature, The Garbage Man, has been an official selection of film festivals around the world and garnered the creator rave reviews, including praise from the likes of FANGORIA’s Tony Timpone and Rue Morgue Magazine.Recently, Mr. Fisher has tackled what some would have believed impossible: Co-producing and editing the critically acclaimed horror/thriller The Bunker. Why is that special? The Bunker is the first feature film written and directed by a blind director, Joseph M. Monks, but doing the unexpected is nothing new for Fisher, who has had projects in development at Dreamworks Pictures, Dimension Films and The Shooting Gallery, among others.With a long and controversial career which began in comic books, where Fisher discovered such talents as Gerard Way (lead singer for the chart-topping rock band My Chemical Romance); John Cassaday (Captain America) and political essayist Stephen Elliot (a regular contributor for the San Francisco Chronicle, award-winning novelist and child protection advocate) among others, Fisher carved out a fierce reputation and was dubbed ‘The Most Dangerous Man in Comics.’ (Hero Illustrated, 1994.) Fisher’s opinions on serial killers and serial killer culture have been sought by numerous television producers for programs such as ABC's DayOne, CNN's Murder By Numbers documentary, Entertainment Tonight, Larry King Live, The Jerry Springer Show, The Bertice Berry Show, CNN Headline News, A&E's Biography, and in magazines such as Time, Tattoo Savage, Hero Illustrated, People, The Comics Journal, the non-fiction best seller The A-Z Guide to Serial Killers and many more.Fisher began his art career as the publisher behind Boneyard Press, a ferociously independent publishing house that has garnered coverage all over the world, in Japan (Words), Germany (Ego Magazine), England (The Sun) and brought the mass media (as well as protest marchers) to his door thanks to books such as Jeffrey Dahmer: An Unauthorized Biography of a Serial Killer, OJ's Big Bust Out, Rush Limbaugh Must Die, Dark Angel and Howard Stern Vs. Rush Limbaugh. Fisher's two collections of poetry, (Poems for the Dead & Still Dead) have been lauded in Wicked Mystic, Carpe Noctem, and Dark's Art Parlor to name but a few. His work has been called relentless and heart wrenching." Hart has proven he has talent and there is a market out there for queasy, uneasy, in-yo'-face, material." --Tattoo SavageTwice, Hero Illustrated placed Mr. Fisher in their 100 Most Important People In The Comics Industry list, and rock star Glenn Danzig hired Fisher to be the managing editor for his publishing company, Verotik. Fisher’s story for Verotika #4, "A Taste of Cherry" has the notorious distinction of being banned in Oklahoma on the grounds that it was obscene material and is banned in that state to this day. Never one to shy away from outrageous showmanship, Fisher has faked his own death, spit in the eye of industry goliath Marvel Comics (at the largest comic convention in America Fisher printed up hundreds of black t-shirts proclaiming that "Marvel Can Suck My Cock”-- The shirts sold out instantly and dogged the larger comics publisher at comics conventions for years after) and has proven he has a gift for stirring up controversy that sells his products by the truckload.In addition to co-producing and editing The Bunker, writing and directing the anthology film series Flowers on the Razorwire, running his post production house Crime Pays Inc. and supervising the translation of Poems For The Dead into Portuguese (being handled by Moonspell front man Fernando Riberio), Fisher has been a featured guest at the Festival of Fantasy & Terror in Mexico City, where he was among a group of writers featured in a series of college lectures held in Tlaxcala, Mexico. Mr. Fisher is currently preparing for his screen acting debut in the horror serial “…In The Next Room” to begin shooting April 2008.More about Mr. Fisher and his work can be found at:www.crimepaysinc.com www.boneyardpress.net www.youtube.com/crimepayshart

My Interests

After twenty years of mixed martial arts learning how to destroy the human body with my hands, my only interests are taking care of my own, and plotting revenge on those that have done me and mine ill. Other than that I try to live hard, laugh loud, and love strong.

I'd like to meet:

I'm looking for Bands who want to make kick ass music videos, horror film makers looking for distribution of their movies, talented people and customers who are ready to do something different, something fun, and make killing at the same time.


Things I've been playing the hell out of:LA Bands- She Died, The Cock Diesel, The Substitutes, No Thanks, Tuscaurora, Tattooed Millionaires, Motochrist, The Golden Gods (although they're San Francisco based), .Shit I listen all the time- Nashville Pussy, Warrior Soul, David Baerwald, Muse, St. Germaine, Thievery Corporation, Chemical Brothers, Crystal Method, Ac/Dc (the Bon Scott stuff), Black Label Society, Queen, Iggy Pop, Kings of Leon, Ennio Morricone, My Chemical Romance, Bad Religeon, Social Distortion, Turbo Negro, The Fun Lovin' Criminals, Interpol, Rollin's Band (the album he did with the guys from Aaron's Records in LA), The Ramones, plenty of rave type music, The Omen soundtrack, when I want to go into the redzone a couple tracks from the Suspiria soundtrack on repeat, plenty more, but I'm bored with filling this shit out.


To Live & Die in LA, Seven, Fight Club, Apocalypse Now (the original, not the redo), Hearts of Darkness (the documentary), The Thing (Carpenter's), Blazing Saddles, Blade 2, Wolfen, The Howling, Dog Soldiers, The Great Silence, The Good The Bad & The Ugly, Touch of Evil, The Cell, Blade Runner, I'm Not Afraid, 21 Grams, Dawn of the Dead (remake, that other shit was dull once they hit the fucking mall), Martin, Just Before Dawn, Friday the 13th, 80's Slasher Flicks, The French Connection, Thief, The Dogs of War, The exorcist, The Omen, Amittyville Possesion, The Sentinel, The Sender, Takashi Miike flicks (but Gozu was dull as dirt), Deliverance, The Hitcher (fucking love this movie), Get Carter (the original with Michael Fucking Cain), The Island, The Verdict, The Warriors, Altered Stats, Alien, Cure, The Devil's Backbone, Escape from New York... I'll think of more...


Rescue Me (the last two seasons have been dull, they're close to losing me), The Simpsons (hit and miss), South Park, Family Guy, American Dad, The First 48, Saturday Night Live (since the seventies off & on), The Wire, Prison Break, The Shield, Dinner for Five, Bill Mahr, The Office, 30 Rock, Mega Disasters, Garth Marengi's DarkPlace and The Venture Brothers RULE!


Women (Bukowski), Anything my buddy Stephen Elliot writes 'cuz his prose kicks fucking ass, Rollins earlier poetry stuff, Dead and Gone (Vachss), The Shining, almost anything Skipp & Spector put out especially The Bridge, The Kill Riff, anything by Wayne Allen Sallee (Wayne is the shit, he'll kick you in the teeth and bite your fucking balls), Poppy Z. Bryte (although the gay sex get's tired as any sex gets tired if you riff on the same shit over and over), early Stephen King until the mid 80's, JACK KETCHUM IS FUCKING GOD but get his earlier shit when he was hungry and scared, Wet Work, Richard Marchinko books (rogue warrior) are my guilty pleasure, Culture of Fear, The Amittyville Horror (used to read that over and over when I was kid alone at night), and I'll think of more...


Eugene Izzi (dead), Andrew Vacchs, Henry Rollins, Takashi Miike, My Uncle Norman (dead), Shang Chi: Master of Kung Fu, Gene LeBelle & Gokor (those are some awesome guys), Joseph Monks, Stephen Bissette, and me motherfucker! Take some damn notes!

My Blog

American Horrors Wants YOU! *please repost*

Press ReleaseJuly 9, 2008AMERICAN HORRORS WANTS YOU!Hart D. Fisher Seeks Horror Features, Shorts, and Music Videos For Broadcast on New European Television Network International Horror Legend Hart D. ...
Posted by Hart on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 07:06:00 PST

Demon on Fire...

I flick the jab, working my way around the dummy in a circle. A glass of ice water sits in the shade, a cup of hot green tea stands in the sun. I'm dripping sweat. I've been at it an hour, stretching,...
Posted by Hart on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 07:28:00 PST

Full Steam Ahead...

Work, work, work, work. The beginnings of the sound design for the Flowers on the Razorwire premier episode are going great. FOTRW: THE BUNKER is going to blow folks away. Especially for network style...
Posted by Hart on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 05:10:00 PST

Strange Fuckin’ Week...

Okay. I left everyone hanging with the Perv Report 1. We went to Masque, had a blast, went to the anything goes after Eyes Wide Shut after party (which was off the fucking hook and filled with hot sex...
Posted by Hart on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 05:48:00 PST

The Pervert Report 1...

Friday was a heavy day for me.I had deadlines up the wazo all week long and meetings, and social events, and more meetings. Except for the blow out on the highway this week, everything went BETTER tha...
Posted by Hart on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 03:24:00 PST

Sheesh, things are tight...

I missed the Tattooed Millionaires show tonight with LA Guns. Fuck.I'm in the office working on The Bunker, getting it ready for TV and for sound design. I've been at it all day. I'll be at it for the...
Posted by Hart on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 09:42:00 PST

Had a blow out on the highway...

Last night I went to a horror mixer in Hollywood. First five minutes there I bump into one of my all time favorite horror authors, John Skipp. This guy (and his old writing partner Craig Spector) wrot...
Posted by Hart on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 12:06:00 PST

Another good weekend...

Waka and I had another great weekend.We actually got to have some fun, do some shopping, run the dog, fix some stuff up around the house, get some clothes. It was cool. We boogied into Hollywood and s...
Posted by Hart on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 08:16:00 PST

Ready to Burn AT&T to the fucking ground...

I'm sitting on hold now, the 3rd call of the day where I'm sitting on hold. The first two were to AT&T about my internet service at home. See, I paid my bill over the weekend, on Saturday. I'd gotten ...
Posted by Hart on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 04:58:00 PST

American Horrors Full Steam Ahead...

The stereo is cranked. I've been listening to Danzig, Warrior Soul, Reasonable Deception, LifeSexDeath, fucking rocking out the jams. I've got my editors all working. Waka's in the office working. We'...
Posted by Hart on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 07:10:00 PST