James profile picture


Against the grain, that's where I'll stay....

About Me

. .I like what I like, if that make any sense. ...going to shows, road trips, the gym once a week for 5 minutes, taking care of my brother's dog Jimi, waiting for my feicus tree to come alive like that tree in Poltergeist, getting lost on my bike, indulging in one of my endless stream of hobbies...and laughing at YOU.

My Interests

Snowboarding(badly), testing old explosives, ink, Asbury Kickball, surfing(REALLY badly), dirty bikes, movies(NetFlix), cards, old man bars, burlesque, anything competitive, welding, buying old junk in flea markets and swapmeets, slot cars, ice-boating, NYG, and traveling to bizarre places.

I'd like to meet:

People who don't irritate me. Those who are into some of the stuff I like: bikes, tatts, abstract thought, competing in arsine contests: ie- C-low, dodge ball, staring...etc. They could maybe teach me something new and of course they love music...but not too much rockabilly, b/c once a month is all I can stomach.
...and people who enjoy some good, old fashioned sarcasm.
And anyone who still plays kickball!!!
Individual people I'd like to meet....Lewis Black, Al Gore, Chuck Liddell, Henry Rollins, Sarah Silverman.... posthumously Mitch Hedberg, Indian Larry, Hunter S. Thompson and Carl Sagan.
Plus this kid....because I think he has the right idea.


Murphys Law, Bouncing Souls, Skoidats, Quicksand, the Skels, John Lee Hooker, Dead Kennedys, Pennywise, Rev. Horton Heat, Flogging Molly, Street Dogs, Captured by Robots, Dropkick Murphys, Ramones, Inspecter 7, Wretched Ones, Kyuss, Concrete Blonde, Johnny Cash, the Doors, Minor Threat, Sick of it All, Clutch, John Coltrane, Bad Religion, CIV, Bad Brains, the Business, Darkbuster, Black Train Jack, Blanks 77...and NPR


The Big Lebowski, SLC Punk, Super Troopers, World's Fastest Indian, The Muppet Movie, Office Space, Clerks, Big Fish, the Warriors, Half Baked, Godzilla vs anything, High Fidelity, Ghostworld, Mad Max, Better off Dead, The Good The Bad and the Ugly, O Brother Where art Thou?, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Ghostdog, Swingers, Life Aquatic, Shawn of the Dead, Pool Hall Junkies, Usual Suspects, Things to do in Denver When You're Dead, Desperado, Snatch, My Science Project, Garden State, UHF, Boondock Saints, Blues Brothers, Easy Rider...


the Shield, Planet Earth, the Daily Show, Heroes, the Muppet Show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, the Young Ones, Prison Break, Family Guy, Rescue Me, Robot Chicken, Entourage, Biker Build Off, the Office, Lost(but its pissing me off lately!), Long Way Round, all those home improvement shows(I always feel like I'm getting something done just by watching), and anything on the History channel


Weird NJ, How to Eat like a Child, Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead, Hell's Angels, Horatio's Drive, Fun with Milk and Cheese, Robert Young Pelton's World's Most Dangerous Places, and lots of mags


Jimmy G, Henry Rollins, the Dude, Pat Tillman, Waldorf & Statler, and Indian Larry

"In God We Trust, Vengence Is Mine Sayth The Lord, No Fear"- Indian Larry

My Blog

The Motorcycle Diaries

My stomach is twisted in knots.....as tomorrow I leave for the longest journey of my life.....7000 miles across and around our beloved country....through forests, plains, canyons, mountains and ....th...
Posted by James on Fri, 25 May 2007 12:36:00 PST

A ride through the Deadzone of Chernobyl

In researching my upcoming motorcycle trip, I came across a very unique biker, Elena Filatova, who has chronicled her rides throughout the radioactive deadzone of Chernobyl.  For those of you who...
Posted by James on Wed, 09 May 2007 10:02:00 PST

Mortality Check

Nothing quite kicks after a long day of work, as pulling up to your apartment as a body is being wheeled out.The my neighbor, Jane, who lives downstairs from me, passed away sometime last weekend.&nbs...
Posted by James on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 09:42:00 PST

3 Causes worth doing something about!!!

All day today, in between work, I've been reading and discussing a few causes in which I feel strongly enough about to share with everyone:The story about Brian Deneke, a young punker, that was killed...
Posted by James on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 02:11:00 PST

The Jerk Store called....

Last Saturday night I was given a writting assignment,'Why I will not gloat off the misfortunes of others'.  Why was I given this assignment you ask??  Mainly b/c I knocked off someone's hig...
Posted by James on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 07:42:00 PST

To Do List (update)

We all have goals, some big, some small...so I've been thinking lately about some things I'd like to do before I hit the big fiesta in the sky.(this will be updated constantly). So in no particular o...
Posted by James on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:22:00 PST


Yesterday, I was able to partake in one of my favorite pursuits....Ice-Boating. But before I tell you about my day, and how I got hooked one this off-beat sport.....I should probably explain what it ...
Posted by James on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 08:39:00 PST

2006....I hardly knew ye

.....so the year came to an end the other night.  As I look back, I wonder if there was anything I'd change....any opportunities missed....  I don't think I got to snowboard or surf as much ...
Posted by James on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 09:05:00 PST

Cranium for Dummies!!!

It was a fierce battle......Whats that???This was supposed to be sunbathing....1st injury...ouch!Sasha has a gun!!????Jenny's salad spinner...not bad....The Weiners!!!The ones who did not win.......
Posted by James on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 09:15:00 PST

DJ brought a donkey.

...we all got to go on donkey rides at DJ's birthday party........
Posted by James on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 06:19:00 PST