Nancy, Nick the cat and the human, UE, My Bike always and forever, especially riding at night, in new cities, and on snack quests; books always and 4-evah!; semantics, stretching, shenanigans, sophistry (aliteration); mock tacos; kickball; roadtrips; getting a motorcycle when I finally have the exta money; AKERU; existential angst; mispronouncing words; going anywhere...especially Thailand; making up words; dance parties; Shaolin Island; spontaneous combustion, the ridiculous, etc, etc, etc. Stasis (sta·sis): A state of stability, in which all forces are equal and opposing, therefore they cancel out each other.Pronunciation: 'stA-s&s, 'sta- Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural sta·ses /'stA-"sEz, 'sta-/ Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, act or condition of standing, stopping, from histasthai to stand
THESE GUYS! Homies Por Vida! THIS GUY!
Do they still even make music?
I don't watch movies, they watch me.
I don't read books, they read me.
My Bike.