Howie FBR profile picture

Howie FBR

heres a little story i lived to tell, hello from the gutter

About Me



yes, I am the guy you contact to play a punk show on Long Island * I don't book NYC!! I'm an easy going guy. pretty easy to get along with I have a lot of friends that i consider family I don't view myself as better than anyone else.. ONE OF THE BEST SHOWS I EVER BOOKED MURPHYS LAW 3-30-08
my friend Joanna singing with Murphy's Lawmurphys law - live at the nutty
my life pretty much revolves around the punk rock/ hardcore scene. I have played in a few bands over the years, but these days I mainly book shows and manage a few very talented bands.
I don't do drugs or drink alchohol. but I am not straight edge! a lot of my friends call me that, but I smoke ciggarrettes heavily, and drink a lot of coffee!!. I don't judge people by thier own choices though, if you want to get high or twisted drunk, fine.. just don't drag me down with you. been thru all that as a teenager, and it just isn't my own thing anymore is all.
some people think i'm gay! really!! haha i always find this funny. no, I am not. I am in fact, very much straight thank you very much. I guess the whole gay thing comes from the fact i have a few friends that are. look, I don't look down on people because of thier color, religion, or whatever.... my only true prejudice is blind hate. I have no tolerance for racism!!!
I'm into ink. my whole right arm is a work in progress. the final idea is for it to be a tribute to all the bands i have played in or workedwith/influenced me over the years. my work is done by my close friend Richie with:
He and his Wife Dee are among the best people I have ever known, and I love them to death.
I use myspace mainly for promoting shows i book and bands i am friends with. but I have met quite a few people thru here that I consider friends as well.
I CHANGE MY TOP FRIENDS CONSTANTLY!! haha, i hate getting messages like "hey Howie, how come I'm not in your top friends anymore?? look, there are a lot of people on my "friends" list... and most of the people on there i try to kepp in touch with. so I change it all the time.. don't take offense if yer not on my top friends silly!!!!
I book at 2 clubs. mainly I book at CAFE BADA BING in Port Jefferson NY, it's a nice place and they really let us do our "punk rock thing" there. but for bigger shows I work with my buddy Rob over at THE NUTTY IRISHMAN in Bayshore as well. Rob is good people, and does a lot more for the local punk/hardcore scene than he takes credit for.
I'm single.. never been married, and actually, I'm ok with that. sometimes I think about what it would be like to settle down, but I'm ultra picky, and haven't met the right girl is all. someday maybe.. but I'm not really looking either. I guess I have been burned so many times that I'm not sure of relationships anymore is all. I'm a big flirt, but in reality, sex just isnt all that important to me. I'm more about love and romance... when I come across a girl into the same thing. perhaps then I will reconsider the whole relationship scenario.
I run a small record label/show booking co. called and I let that consume my entire being.
may 9th

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Gene Simmons, to thank him for his band being such a big part of my childhood.


i refuse to brag about my musical knowledge by listing 25,000 band names. i will say that The Ramones were perhaps the biggest influence in my musical taste along with the misfits. and to this day, at age 36 i will still go see kiss every fucking time they come around!


the breakfast club,starwars,sid and nancy, slc punk, the great rock and roll swindle,24 hour party people,a clockwork orange,plattoon,goodfellas, scareface,casino,


Family guy!!!, south park,M*A*S*H ,ROBOT CHICKEN


to kill a mockingbird, lord of the rings trilogy, chronicles of narnia, the pigman,flowers in the attic,valley of the dolls,where the sidewalk ends


THE KIDS THAT COLLECTIVELY MAKE UP THE LONG ISLAND PUNK ROCK SCENE.YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST! BANDS: THE CRUSHER THE CLAP TWO MAN ADVANTAGE THE BULLYS THE SKUM ENDANGERED FECES PATENT PENDING and so many more bands... my grandparents for taking my sister and myself in when our mom passed and our dad became a junkie. my uncle John for his inspiration on my independence, and my uncle scott for his strive to be successful at everything he does. my aunt penny who grew up with me more as an older sister than an aunt. all my close friends who i consider family. you know who you are!

My Blog


a few people have asked me what the deal is with my attitude when we do shows at the nutty irishman. it's like this. no, I'm not giving you an attitude. the thing is I don't control anything with show...
Posted by Howie FBR on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 10:32:00 PST

The Accused - Autopsy - Live in 1986-1988? The Accused play Autopsy Live in Columbus, OHsometime around 1986-1988...
Posted by Howie FBR on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 10:55:00 PST

they may not be the most hardcore band in the world...

but i've never had as much love and respect for a local band as i do for these guys. I know, I know, theyre not all hardcore or in your face punk rock. but I first met Patent Pending seriously because...
Posted by Howie FBR on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 10:32:00 PST


yep, that’s it. from now on,opening bands that play a show where i have a big name headliner will have to sell tickets in order to play. sorry guys. but thats the way it is. I will make sure yo...
Posted by Howie FBR on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:48:00 PST

this was interesting.. the snoopy philosophy

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions. Just read the e-mail straight through, and you'll get the...
Posted by Howie FBR on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 11:37:00 PST

whats up with cafe bada bing?

starting soon:shows at bada bing every friday night!these shows are going to be 18+ (sorry guys!)but don't worry!!! we still have our saturday and sunday all ages shows too.thinking about adding an ac...
Posted by Howie FBR on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 02:10:00 PST

one of the best bulletins i ever read

Hey ALL,I AGREE, BIG TIME with this REPOST!I sometimes wonder whether anyone reads these things.Especially after a show when it looks like if they did read this, they don't comprehend what it is I'm t...
Posted by Howie FBR on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 12:52:00 PST

shows at bada bings

look, the people who own the bar are nice enough to let us do all ages shows and are very lenient about what we do there as far as pits and whatnot... so there are a few simple rules with the shows th...
Posted by Howie FBR on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 06:00:00 PST