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Bruise Violet

Calliphora Vicina

About Me

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We are an Italian alternative-rock band (a little bit on the grunge side) made up of four members: Claudia (vocals), Giovanni (guitar), Stefano (bass) and Tonio (drums). We formed back in december 2001 and started spreading our music around, doing all the normal things a normal band usually does. We have a self made EP “Calliphora Vicina”. It’s not for sale but if you like it just let us know, we will send it to you, no matter where you are. There’s nothing much to say about us apart the fact that we make music which comes straight from the heart. We don’t give a fuck about masses, we like to think of our music as a message for the single one so we don’t have (and we don’t want to) a target audience to deceive. We don’t care about music trends, mainstreams ecct and we absolutely don’t care about money (which doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re going to play 3000 miles from home without seeing the shadow of a cent! Honestly) We usually don’t play in contests expecially when you have to pay a bunch of money just to enrich some dudes who don’t care about music at all. We rarely make exceptions, so if you’re trying to make money out of us don’t waste your time, we won’t change our minds, we aren’t that naive. We appreciate very much people who show a genuine interest for our music and criticisms are good too. (Although we don’t think we’d give a fuck) We have much respect for other bands so we get along with pretty much anyone. Finally, if you like going to gigs, truly enjoy music and like having fun our hearts beat for you._RECENSIONE CD_BRUISE VIOLET “Calliphora Vicina” (autoproduzione, 2005)Un disco così dalla scena salentina non te lo aspetti. Ha dello stupefacente! Ma non c’è nulla di “drogato” in questo lavoro. Al contrario, ci sono sei brevi canzoni dirette e potenti che ben rappresentano lo stato dell’arte dell’italica scena indie-noise. Un prodotto indipendente sotto tutti gli aspetti, dalla non-omologazione a qualsivoglia trend del momento, all’attitudine spiccatamente elettrica di questa band. Ma l’ascolto di questo piccola raccolta riserva ancora delle altre sorprese: stupisce intanto la particolare voce di Claudia capace di dar corpo all’eterogeneità delle proposte qui racchiuse che contengono richiami ad una seppur vaga psichedelia macchiata di malinconia, ad un rock spigoloso, sporco e indolente tipicamente metropolitano fino a certa “vecchia” oscura e goticheggiante new wave, e stupisce poi anche la padronanza con cui queste diverse influenze vengono esposte. Bravi Bruise Violet! (Camillo “RADI@zioni” Fasulo)

My Interests


Member Since: 2/18/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Claudia:Voice;Stefano:Bass;Giovanni:Guitar;Tonio:Drums
Sounds Like: Loud & Rough as Hell!! With a slightly taste of candies...
Type of Label: None