Whilst staying with a large group of mates at a small rented castle in Wales, three of
us decided to turn everyone's peaceful vacation into a real life horror movie. With
prerecorded creepy sound effects in hand and a secret portable CD player, all we had to do
was tell a few horror stories, briefly slip out of the room to press play and then watch
the terror unfold.
Inspired by this experience, the three of us began working on a horror boxset which
- an original soundtrack of genuinely scary music
- a booklet full of urban legends / ghost stories / ghost hunting tips / creepy photo's by
world renowned supernatural photographer Simon Marsden / most haunted maps
- a bonus CD of sound effects with great prank ideas of how to scare your mates with it.
So we believe we've now made the ultimate horror box set which is perfect for an instant
scary atmosphere and a great horror evening with mates. All you have to do is light a few
candles, turn on the Raw Fear soundtrack music, start reading the creepy stories to each
other and the fear is complete. Don't open the box alone!!!