RAW FEARâ„¢ profile picture


RAW FEAR - Horror Music, Ghost Stories, and more!

About Me

Whilst staying with a large group of mates at a small rented castle in Wales, three of us decided to turn everyone's peaceful vacation into a real life horror movie. With prerecorded creepy sound effects in hand and a secret portable CD player, all we had to do was tell a few horror stories, briefly slip out of the room to press play and then watch the terror unfold.
Inspired by this experience, the three of us began working on a horror boxset which includes:
- an original soundtrack of genuinely scary music
- a booklet full of urban legends / ghost stories / ghost hunting tips / creepy photo's by world renowned supernatural photographer Simon Marsden / most haunted maps
- a bonus CD of sound effects with great prank ideas of how to scare your mates with it.
So we believe we've now made the ultimate horror box set which is perfect for an instant scary atmosphere and a great horror evening with mates. All you have to do is light a few candles, turn on the Raw Fear soundtrack music, start reading the creepy stories to each other and the fear is complete. Don't open the box alone!!!


My Interests


Member Since: 2/17/2006
Band Members: James, KK, Leigh and Fearsome friends..
Influences: Ring, The Shining, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Blair Witch Project, Wolf Creek, Marilyn Mansun, NIN, Velvet Revolver, John Carpenter, Buffy, Dario Argento, Hideo Nakata, Christopher Young, Evil Dead, The Omen, Nightmare On Elm Street, Stephen King, 28 Days Later, Black Sabbath, Tobe Hooper, classic horror films, ghost stories, haunted houses, ouija boards, murder in the dark, party games, the supernatural, graveyards, practical jokes, pranks, rob zombie, alien, amityville horror, audition, asylum, candyman, freddy kreuger, chucky, childs play, dracula, frankenstein, carrie, dawn of the dead, day of the dead, shaun of the dead, zombi, zombies, exorcist, the omen, ju-on, the grudge, hellraiser, jacobs ladder, the others, rosemarys baby, suspiria, scream, hans zimmer, kenji kawai, kk kerrigan, bernard herrmann, howard shore, franz waxman, frank skinner, hans j salter, film scores, soundtracks, ligeti, goblin, nightmares, death
Sounds Like: Your worst nightmares.

Record Label: we're not THAT evil..
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Forget Transylvania, according to supernatural experts Raw Fear, more than half of the world's top ten most haunted locations are in the tiny, haunted isles of Great Britain  So with j...
Posted by RAW FEAR" on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 03:41:00 PST

Scary Freak - 5 minute horror film!

budding Hitchcock Peter Butler and friends from Brighton, UK, have made this fun short horror film "Scary Freak", which features Raw Fear.. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-27566312970426512 ...
Posted by RAW FEAR" on Tue, 15 May 2007 12:06:00 PST

Where can I get Raw Fear?

Greetings all. The dark times are now truly upon us, and at last RAW FEAR is now available to buy!   In the USA? - FIREBOX.COM (just 19 bucks)   In the UK?  AMAZON.CO.UK, PRESSYBOX.CO.U...
Posted by RAW FEAR" on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 08:35:00 PST

classic movie review of the month number 2 - July

An American Werewolf in London A werewolf attacks two Americans backpacking on the Yorkshire Moors. Jack is killed but David survives. In a London hospital he falls for nurse Alex Price, but soon suf...
Posted by RAW FEAR" on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 04:29:00 PST

Talk horror!

have a supernatural experience to share?  would like to hear about others experiences? have a favourite horror film? or one thats so bad you wish to bitch about it!?  ....whos your favourite...
Posted by RAW FEAR" on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 01:51:00 PST

Old movie classic of the month

A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (1984) Written and Directed by Wes Craven The film that introduced murderous villain Fred Krueger to the film-going public, A Nightmare on Elm Street was a deserve...
Posted by RAW FEAR" on Sun, 14 May 2006 03:19:00 PST

The Trailer..

above not working?.. it also available at- here and our website www.rawfear.net (in 'downloads')...
Posted by RAW FEAR" on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 08:41:00 PST


Here's a good prank for y'all: When driving with a passenger at night time, explain that you know a good short cut and turn down a narrow & secluded road / lane (ideally one with loads of trees)....
Posted by RAW FEAR" on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 09:21:00 PST

Ghost Story

How about this for a great true ghost story:BREATHLESS Sometimes fear can be so profound and so powerful that its effects can be felt beyond the individuals who actually experience it. Sometimes fear...
Posted by RAW FEAR" on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 01:26:00 PST


Hi, Welcome to Raw Fear's MySpace.  Feel free to blog your horror stories, pix and pranks, or visit our main site www.rawfear.net for horror chat, movie reviews, scaring tips...
Posted by RAW FEAR" on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 05:07:00 PST