Screams of Terror is a long standing Horror E-Zine dealing with anything in the Horror Genre. We are constantly looking for new talent to post in the e-zine and accept anything horror related. Poetry, short stories, novelettes, serial novels, art work, photography, movie, music and book reviews, etc... VISIT US AT:
We are constantly on the look out for Scream Queen submissions. If you are a horror/gothic style model and would like to get a little more exposure, send us your submissions to:
[email protected] and get posted on the Gothic/Horror Babes Site and placed in the running for Screams of Terror Scream Queen!
If you are a horror writer, artist, photographer or a horror movie, book, music reviewer, we want your stuff! Send us your works and we'll help share your works with the world! We don't hold new writers etc to all of the stringent rules that many magazines hold you to!
Horror Movie Producers and Horror Genre Musicians. Contact me, I would be more than happy to do a review of your works!
A little about me personally:
I am married with children and on July 20th, 2005 experienced the loss of my son and two grandsons to a horrible car wreck which has left me pretty down for some time now. I am just now trying to pick up the pieces, so if I am slow to respond at times, please understand.
If the banner is'nt showing, you can visit the memorial page by clicking here: The McDonald Family Memorial Page
The McDonald Family Memorial Fund