Music and all things Zen, Living in the moment, Visualization, Imagination, Perfecting the ability to conciously manifest a desired reality, sharing, loving, meditating, creating harmony.. being on the air!
All the beat junkies, house headz, jungle bastards and bithces, and on and on ad nauseum...
House, Minimal, Trance, DnB, Jungle, Dubstep, Breakbeat, Electro, Techno, TripHop, Downtempo, Lounge, AcidJazz to name a few...NEW SOUNDS!
Zeitigeist, Naked Lunch, From Beyond, Visitor Q, Butterfly Effect, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Time Machine, Dark City, Army of Darkness, Interstate 60, The Secret, What the Bleep do we Know?, Shogun Assasin, Street Fighter, & Barely legal 8.....
Dresden Files, StarGate Sg-1, Original Star Trek, Ren n Stimpy, Spongebob, Beavis & Butthead, Venture Bros., Metalcolypse, UFO Files, X-files, Eureka, John From Cincinati...
The Secret, Zen In 10 Simple Lessons, The Toa of Zen, The Way of Zen, , The Lucid View, The Eye of I, Tao of Chaos, Captain Underpants
Ghandi, Bruce Campell, William Shatner, rep. Ron Paul, Alex Jones, , Hunter S. Thompson, Terrance McKenna, Alan Watts, Timothy Leary, Gilligan, William S. Burroughs, Jack Kerouak, BROCK SAMPSON!