PIN IN THE MINDS EYEWMNF 88.5fm Tampa / WMNF.orgIn the twighlight of the weekend, explore the 'Psycho Realms' Sunday Nights 1-4am on WMNF 88.5FM Tampa.DJ ArthMawr and your Guide Elder Sign (aka me) will take you on a journey through the realms of the mind and imagination through the medium of music, poetry, prose, storytelling and conversation.
Call in, write in, submit music and other original works and join us on a voyage through inner space.Real News, Real Music, Real People
WMNF Tampa 88.5 FM /
Studio Number 813-239-9663
You are the Star card. The Star is the light of
hope. Shining in the night, sending light
into darkness, the stars provide direction to
sailors and are a field on which to dream.
Humanity used to look up at the sky and
desire to be there, to find out what it all
meant, and now we have been a distance into
space and have elementary ideas of the makeup
of all the different stars. This kind of
achievement adds further fuel to our hopes.
The eternal, slow-moving stars that will be
long shining past the end of our own
existence provide hope of immortality, and
the vast space they suggest and the very
mystery they hold provide us with excitement
and knowledge yet to be discovered. Image
from: Danielle Sylvie Taylor
Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
What type of Fae are you?
Is It Possible To Retool The Jewels Of Our Mind's Eye......Or Is"Sickness," Like Beauty, Often In The Eye Of The Beholder??
You Are 70% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably fear you....A LOT!!!
How Evil Are You?
Your eyes behold emptiness.
Your eyes hold no sense of emotion. Something or
so many things have built up to cause you to
let all of your emotion drain away. Your
eyes seem so cold and dead that they bring
tears to the eyes staring right into yours.
When someone looks into your eyes, they can't see
anything, not even you. You're so far away
from the emotional touch.
What do your eyes behold??
Books of Thoth: The Prophet The Anointer of the Gods The Hierogrammatist The Hovoscopus The Singer The Pastophorus, Rauffts De Masticatione mortuorum in tumulis, Liber de Mysteriis; retitled De Mysterii Aegyptioum"Machens The Great God Pan, Chamberss The King In Yellow, Cartons Myrrour of the World, Borellis De Montu animalium, Gaffarellis Curiosites inovies, de Schertzs Magia Posthuma, de Metzs Le Mappemonde and Image du monde, Ptolemys Almagest, Leabhar Gabbala, aka Leabbar Laighen (Book of Leinster), Portas De Furtiuis Literarium notis, Glanvills Saducismus Triumphatus, Pigafettas Regnum CongoBlavatskys Secret Doctrine, Butlers Gods Known and Unknown and The Way of All Flesh, Lovecraft & Derleths The Savrian Age, Turba Philosophorum, Thoreaus On The Duty of Cival Disobedience, Wellss The Country of the Blind, Sun Tzus Art of War, Platos Apology,
The ProphetsSyd Barrett,
Bob Marley,
Galileo Galilei,
Howard Phillop Lovecraft,
James Brown,
Peter Boyle,
Don Knotts,
Lord Byron,
Lewis Carrol,
Saladore Dali,
Friedrich Nietzche,
Albert Schwitzer,
Mark Twain,
Rudyard Kipling,
John Keates,
Sigmund Freud,
Karl Marx,
Louis Pasteur,
Andy Warhol,
Janis Joplin,
Isaac Newton,
Eleanor Roosevelt,
Benjamin Spock,
Ralph Waldo Emerson,
James Joyce,
Mao Tse-Tung,
Oscar Wilde,
Andrew Carnegie,
Winston Churchill,
Katharine Hepburn,
John F. Kennedy,
Leo Tolstory,
Louis Armstrong,
Frederic Chopin,
Walt Disney,
Amelia Earhart,
Rose Kennedy,
Gloria Swanson,
Rudolph Valentino,
Charles Chaplin,
Alfred Hitchcock,
Aristotle Onassis,
Nelson Rockefeller,
Nicolaus Copernicus,
Charles Dickins,
Albert Einstein,
Pablo Picasso,
Thomas Alva Edison,
Marget Fonteyn,
Ernest Hemingway,
Abraham Lincoln,
George Washington,
Author Conan Doyle,
Cary Grant,
Marilyn Monroe,
H. G. Wells,
William Butler Yeates,
Michelangelo Buonarroti,
Madame Curie,
Hellen Keller,
Martain Luther King, jr,
Edger Allen Poe,
Marry Shelly,
James Whatt,
Robert Louis Stevenson,
Leonardo de Vinci,
Johann Sebastian Bach,
Bette Davis,
Harry Houdini,
Thomas Jefferson,
Marry Pickford,
Leopold Stokowski,
Vincent Van Gogh,
Irving Berlin,
Henry Fonda,
Joe Louis,
Florence Nightingale,
William Shakespeare,
Peter Ilyich Tchaikousky,
Harry S. Truman,
Orson Welles,
Jacques Cousteau,
Ian Fleaming,
Judy Garland,
Richard Wagner,
Walt Whitman,
Frank Lloyd Wright,
Alexander the Great,
Amedeo Modigliani,
George Orwell,
Lucille Ball,
Ray Bradbury,
T. E. Lawrence,
George Bernard Shaw,
Agatha Christie,
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe,
Grandma Moses,
Mahandas Gandhi,
John Lennon,
Admiral Horatio Nelson,
Vivien Leigh,
Martain Luther,
Claude Monet,
Kurt Vonnegut,
Ludwig Van Beethoven,
Benjamin Franklin,
Joan of Arc,
Rod Serling,
Anwar Sadat,
J.R.R. Tolkien,
Woodrew Wilson,
Susan B. Anthony,
Charles Darwin,
Jules Verne,
Nicolaus Copernicus,
Victor Hugo,
Julius Caesar,
Jim Morison,
Timmathy Leary,
Alester Crowly,Take the quiz:
Which ancient civilization are you
My Personal favorite. You are of the people whom built the amazing Pyramids in Egypt and worshipped the sun god as your major god. You also are the people who Mummified their dead. Ps if you want to learn about mummification U2U Me.
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