Anyone that has an open mind and is willing to listen to different kinds of music! We play local, national and international bands on the show. You don't have to be on a label! We will play it if we like it and it suits the show. Send your music here:
Dark Horizons
Attn:Theresa Frederick
6006 N. Branch Ave.
Tampa, FL 33604
Here are some bands we currently play or have played in the past. Remember, except for "special shows", Dark Horizons plays music six months or newer. Everything was new once.
Absurd Minds, Agonoize, Amduscia, Analogue Brain, Anathema Device, Anders Manga, And One, Android Lust, Angels On Acid, Angelspit, Angel Theory, Asseptic Room, Ayria, The Azoic, Battery Cage, Behind The Scenes, Beyond Sensory Experience, The Birthday Massacre, Blank, Blind Faith and Envy, Bloodwire, Blutengel, Boundless, Brainclaw, Captive Of Society, Carbon 12, Carphax Files, C Drone Defect, Cephalgy, Cerebral Apoplexy, Cesium 137, Cindergarden, Clan Of Xymox, Code 64, Collide, Colony 5, Coil, CombiChrist, Covenant, The Crystalline Effect, CTRL, Cyclone B, Cylab, Dawn Of Ashes, Decoded Feedback, Depeche Mode, Destroid, De/Vision, Diffuzion, Diskonnekted, Dioxyde, Dismantled, Distorted Reality, Diva Destruction, Diverje, Dolls Of Pain, Dope Stars Inc, The Dreamside, The Dresden Dolls, Dulce Liquido, Dunkelwerk, Edge of Dawn, Electro Synthetic Rebellion, Encoder, Estampie, Faun, FeindFlug, Fields Of Nephilim, FleshField, Fractured, Front Line Assembly, Frozen Plasma, Funker Vogt, Garden of Delight, God Komplex, God Module, Gothminister, Grendel, Headscan, His Name Is Alive, Hocico, Iambia, Icon Of Coil, ien oblique, Infekktion, Ignus Fatuus, Illusion Of Light, Inkubus Sukkubus, Insekt, In Strict Confidence, Interface, Inure, Invisible Ballet, Ionic Vision, Iris, Isis Signum, Katscan, Klutae, KMFDM, L'ame Immortelle, The Last Dance, Lavantgarde, Leaether Strip, Legacy Of Music, Level 2.0, Lexincrypt, Life Cried, Lights Of Euphoria, London After Midnight, Massiv In Mensch, Mechanical Cabaret, Mentallo and the Fixer, Mesh, Militant Cheerleaders on the Move, Mind.In.A.Box, Murder Happens, Muscle and Hate, Negative Format, Nine Inch Nails, November Process, Object, Obscenity Trial, OperaNoire, Orange Sector, Pail, Painbastard, Painfetish, Panzer AG, Perfidious Words, Phantom Vision, PIG, Pride and Fall, Proceed, Psyclon Nine, Rammstein, Ravenous, Reaper, Re:Course, Red Cell, Regenerator, Rein[forced], Re:Legion, Resurrection Eve, Retractor, Revolting Cocks, Rotersand, Router, Run Level Zero, Scandy, SCM, Sebastian Komor, Seabound, She Wants Revenge, Silentium, [:SITD:], Snog, Soil And Eclipse, Solar Fake, Solitary Experiments, Soman, Spetsnaz, State Of The Union, Steril, Stereomotion, Stromkern, Suicide Commando, Suicidal Romance, Tamtrum, Technoir, Temple Of Tears, Thora, Tolchok, Trauma Pet, Trisomie 21, Tyske Ludder, Undergod, UnterArt, Unter Null, Urceus Exit, Virtual Embrace, VNV Nation, Wave In Head, Witt, Wolfsheim, Wumpscut, XP8, Zombie Girl