i really like lots of things and it is hard to really narrow it down to a single interest. i enjoy going out and spending time with friends. going to a bar or out to eat.
beaver beaver beaver. just kidding, well maybe not!
all types of music. don't have a particular type that is my favorite. depends on what type of mood i am in as to what type of music i would most enjoy listening to
i like movies that make you think. i usually don't have time to watch a lot of movies but the occassional movie is always fun
i like the discovery channel, the learning channell, history channell and cnn. i also love "friends, seinfeld, the sapranos and everybody loves raymond"
none. i read to much during the day at work whether it is legal periodicals, law books or court opinions that i don't feel like reading after work
none that i can think of. i thought Bill Clinton was a great speaker and president. but i don't really have hereos.