My interests lie mostly in the invasion and destruction of CD4 cells in your immune system, allowing me to replicate myself. In fact, if you are infected with me and are using cocaine, it will speed up my replication 20-fold, so now I am making - not 500 - but 10,000 copies of myself for every cell I infect.
You. Young or old, male or female, gay, straight, bi, trans, two spirited... I don't discriminate. I have infected children, Catholic nuns, rock stars, actors, actresses, sports heroes, and the girl next door.
Freddie Mercury (1946-1991), Ricky Wilson (1953-1985), Liberace, (1919-1987), Rock Hudson, (1925-1985), Anthony Perkins (1932-1992), Chuck Panozzo, Robbin Crosby, (1960-2002), Eazy-E, (1963-1995), Richard Hunt, (1951-1992), Ricky Wilson (1953-1985), Robert Reed, (1932-1992), Isaac Asimov, (1920-1992), Larry Kramer, Randy Shilts (1951-1994), Gia (1960-1986), Ryan White (1971-1990), Magic Johnson (b. 1959), Perry Ellis (1940-1986), Pedro Zamora (1972-1994) ...and many, many more.