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Elsewhere's Daughter

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About Me

Kucinich TV

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Vote Kucinich 2008

If you are a dreamer, come in.
If you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar,
A hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer . . .
If you're a pretender, come sit by my fire,
For we have some flax-golden tales to spin.
Come in!
Come in!
I took this photograph of the beautiful sunset at the pond by my house on 6-25-07
walk in beauty, my friend
AND WHILE YOU'RE HERE WHY DON'T YOU PAINT ME A JACKSON POLLOCK ON THE BLANK CANVAS BELOW....just click and drag and click again to change colors...
The Four Candles
The Four Candles burned slowly.
Their Ambiance was so soft you
could hear them speak...
The first candle said, "I Am Peace, but these days, nobody
wants to keep me lit." Then Peace's flame slowly
diminishes and goes out completely.
The second candle says, "I Am Faith, but these days, I am
no longer indispensable." Then Faith's flame slowly
diminishes and goes out completely.
Sadly the third candle spoke, "I Am Love and I haven't the
strength to stay lit any longer."
"People put me aside and don't understand my
importance. They even forget to love those who are
nearest to them." And waiting no longer, Love goes out
Suddenly...A child enters the room and sees the three
candles no longer burning. The child begins to cry, "Why
are you not burning? You are supposed to stay lit until
the end."
Then the Fourth Candle spoke gently to the little boy,
"Don't be afraid, for I Am Hope, and while I still burn,
we can re-light the other candles."
With Shining eyes the child took the Candle of Hope and
lit the other three candles.
Never let the Flame of Hope go out of your life.
With Hope, no matter how bad things look and
are...Peace, Faith and Love can Shine Brightly in our
Give me a poet for a lover
whose words stroke me like velvet hands.
Word-tender caresses more reaching
than the caress of a mere mortal man.
A poet's light touch is so gentle.
Word-fingers probe deep every time,
arousing me, haunting me, wetting me,
seducing me, body and mind.
give me a poet for a lover.
Lust and fire burn in his heart.
A silver-tongued devil whose words make me ache
to be on my knees in the dark.
Word-foreplay making me want him,
only mind-loved, I want to be free
to feel just one time, my poet inside,
where only mind-lust up to now has loved me.
WOMEN IN BLACK FOR JUSTICE, AGAINST WAR Women in Black, an international network of women protesting war, holds silent vigils worldwide to protest U.S. plans to wage war following the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Their silence also underscores women's historic voicelessness.
click on this picture
walk in their shoes
Have you seen the devastating John Hopkins report revealing that over 655,000 Iraqis have died since our invasion and the polls show that the overwhelming majority of Iraqis want us to leave? Between now and November 7, those candidates who still support this war must see the consequence of their votes to go to war, to fund war, and 'stay the course'.
Shoes, like the pair above representing the 3-year-old daughter of Hussein al Tarish, help people visualize unspeakable pain and suffering this war has inflicted on the Iraqi people. In the final weeks of the election season, let's take shoes like these to the doorsteps of pro-war candidates--outside a fundraiser, a debate, their campaign headquarters or their homes.
Human Rights International
Things Anyone Can Do for Human Rights

Start a Youth for Human Rights Club

Order the booklets and distribute them

Download and distribute the electronic versions of the booklets

Download the PSAs and show them to your friends

Raise Your Voice – Sign the Petition
Use the power of your signature to help protect your rights and make Human Rights for the world a reality. Click here .

Donate – Become a Member
Support and join us on the road to make human rights a reality. Click here .

"It is not the answer that enlightens,
but the question." -- Decouvertes
"Reason can answer questions,
but imagination has to ask them." -- Ralph Gerard
Yu Koyo Peya A documentary by Tyler Kimble
part 1 of 3
3 of 3

Do you believe, like I do,
that our dreams are a place
Where our souls can prepare
for the freedom death brings?
In a landscape of shadows
where memory steals on silent wings
I will find you, look behind you.

My Interests

Stream Of Dreams
And I, I know a place where fear cannot find you.
And I, I know a place where sorrow and rage cannot follow you.
Ever since I've known you, you've been searching for the right and wrong, the truth in life.

Trees are the altars.

We are the priests serving the forest gods.

We are also the priests serving the inner temple.

Treat yourself as if you were an inner temple

And you will come close

To the god which resides within.

To walk through the life as if you were

In one enormous temple,

This is the secret of grace.


my kitchen window sill

Virgo is the second-largest constellation in the sky. It is depicted as an angel with wings, holding an ear of wheat. She is usually identified as Dike, the goddess of justice, who was the daughter of Zeus and Themis.She lived on Earth during the Golden Age of mankind. This was a time of peace and happiness where it was always springtime and food grew without cultivation and humans never grew old. The men lived like gods, not knowing work, sorrow or war.Zeus overthrew his father, Cronus, on Olympus and the Silver Age began. Zeus shortened spring time and introduced the yearly cycle of seasons. People during this time became quarrelsome and no longer honored the gods. Virgo longed for the Golden Age times and assembled the human race together and spoke sternly to them about changing their ways. She warned them that "worse was to come". Afterwards, she spread her wings and took refuge in the mountains, turning her back on mankind.The Age of Bronze and Iron fell upon mankind. Humans descended into violence, theft and war. Virgo could no longer bear the sins of humanity and abandoned the Earth and flew up to heaven. To this day, she sits next to the constellation of Libra, which is seen as the scales of justice.

I'd like to meet:

..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor


I love the sun

the stars

& the moon

I love the birds vocalizing their tune

I love all flowers budding and in bloom

I love fantasy

and a friendly faerie

I love Gnosis and the gospel of Mary

I love the grace of fluttering butterfly wings

I love the voice of countless souls who sing

I love finding solitude in nature and the serenity it brings

I love thunderstorms and the powerful booms and brilliant light

I love the the constellation expanses of the sky at night

I love all the colors in the spectrum of my sight

I love the grace of birds in flight

I love the cycles

and seasons

and unity

I love my growing myspace community

I love all humanity

all cultures all creeds all races

I love the look of emotion on our expressive faces

I love boddhichita, boddhisatva, budda and beingness in Zen

I love the moment of now.... ..... again and again and again...

I love fractals

and sacred geometry

I love art

and creative writing and poetry...

I love the taste of so many foods
I love my myriad of moods
I love our love and how it exudes
I love the love that we all share
I love the fact that so many of us care
I love that we are becoming more aware

I love the beautious blue orb which we call the earth

I love all the mammals upon this planet for all their intrinsic worth

I love the forests

and the flora and the species of green

~image linked~

::and I love all things up and down within and without and everything in between:::

I love the myriad of fauna

and oceanic life

and insects with wings

I love and I love and I love

all of these things...

...and the unending mystery of and all that it brings...




Joseph E. Robsky Jr., 31,
Army Staff Sergeant,
killed by bush on
Sep 10, 2003

Alexander Jordan, 31
Army Specialist killed by Bush's War of Lies
on Sep 10, 2006

Edgar P. Daclan Jr., 24
Army Specialist
Killed by Bush's War of Lies
on Sep 10, 2004

My Blog

Don’t put anything past this cesspool of a Government-

From: LeeDate: Sep 27, 2007 1:08 PMBe Ready.    When they come for you be ready to drop everything and everyone at a moments notice. If they try to take you, MAKE AS LOUD A SCENE AS YOU...
Posted by Elsewhere's Daughter on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 10:21:00 PST

Kucinich on peace, compassion, choices, veganism I LOVE THIS MAN!

From: TerrieDate: Sep 25, 2007 9:40 AMHi, it's me, your friend or family member, Terrie.Truman was president when I was born. I have worked my whole life in support of Democratic candidates, in suppor...
Posted by Elsewhere's Daughter on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 07:06:00 PST

We Are Toy Soldiers

Birds sing after a storm, why can't we ? Please go to Youtube.com and vote for my videos I could use the help !Love StanCopy and paste this to your browser !http://youtube.com/profile?user=st...
Posted by Elsewhere's Daughter on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 10:37:00 PST


The Greatest Illusion ever. ..Music by MUSESee more videos at PUPPETGOV.com ...
Posted by Elsewhere's Daughter on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 10:13:00 PST

This is it, cure for cancer time. Are you excited?

This is it, cure for cancer time. Are you excited?I know this amazing woman in Los Angeles who had cancer by the age of 21. Her parents owned a pizza parlor and she ate pizza, soda and bread all the t...
Posted by Elsewhere's Daughter on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 09:02:00 PST

Oil and Betrayal in Iraq

Alan Greenspan should know. It was oil all along. The former head of the Federal Reserve writes in his memoir, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World, "I am saddened that it is politically i...
Posted by Elsewhere's Daughter on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 07:50:00 PST

myspace exposed

FBI sending malware to 'myspace' clients? In a word, yes!MySpace Admits Censorship Of Prison Planet.comMySpace Is The Trojan Horse Of Internet Censors...
Posted by Elsewhere's Daughter on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 08:39:00 PST

Buckle Up, GOP ...

& you're in for a bumpy ride.Looking in the rearview mirror, I'm sure the potholes in the road you've traveled seem so self-evident, you probably can't imagine how you managed to not avoid them.But yo...
Posted by Elsewhere's Daughter on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 06:27:00 PST

missing nukes

Is USAF Stand Down To Find A Missing Nuke? Someone, operating under a special chain of command within the United States Air Force, just stole a nuclear weapon. By Chuck Simpson AboveTopSecret.com 9-12...
Posted by Elsewhere's Daughter on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 12:00:00 PST

The Greatest Enemy of Knowledge is the Ilusion of Knowledge

Posted by Elsewhere's Daughter on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 09:00:00 PST