Chris profile picture


Its the end of the world as we know it...

About Me

Folks, I am sick sore and tired of spending time answering friend requests from loony bins I don't know and don't want to know. So, you got a new fortune 500 company, fantastic, I'm happy for you, you're lining up to support U2 and REM on their upcoming tours and your from ballygobackwards, I don't believe you so chuff off...

Are you able to supply longevity and body enhancing drugs, I'm happy as I am so get lost... If you want a friend request and I don't know who you actually are in real life then at least have the decency to say hello, I am not here to be collected and it's really starting to gripe me!

Oh, and while I'm at it, you only need to send thet bulletin ONCE, we do not need to see it fifteen times!


Press PLAY - This is simply Brilliant!
it's the End of the World as we know it

I'm now 32 and sadly still balding.
I think I've finally decided that this is easier to use that my blog.
Myspace Layout Generator by

My Interests

'Good books'
Pulp fiction
Mountain Biking
Doodling(I doodle a lot)

I'd like to meet:

Eddie Izzard.
Micheal Stipe.
Tracy Chapman.
George W Bush - Just to slap him.

A New Chernobyl video (the last one vanished...)

REM - Bad Day

A true blast from the past.

Watercress. Circa 1996.


BB King
Badly Drawn Boy
Beatles (the)
Bob Dylan
Charlatans (the)
Clash (the)
Cult (the)
Cure (the)
Damien Dempsey
Dan Donnelly
Devine Comedy
Duke Special
Foy Vance
Ghears (the)
Green Day
Hothouse Flowers
Inspiral Carpets
Jack Johnston
Jam (the)
Jonny Cash
Joy Division
Kinks (the)
Killers (the)
La's (the)
Ludovico Einaudi
Luke Kelly
Manic Street Preachers
Massive Attack
Paul Weller
Pogues (the)
Rolling stones (the)
Smiths (the)
Snow Patrol
Specials (the)
Tracy Chapman
Undertones (the)
Ursula Burns


Amy McGarrigle
Annie Baraniuk
The Beat Poets
The Benjamins
Billy Fyffe
The Black Tokens
Burning Codes
Conor Mason
Daveit Ferris
Dee McKendry
Emma Curran
Eilidh Patterson
Fighting With Wire
Frank Turner
The Jane Bradfords
Joe Echo
John D'Arcy
Juliet Turner
Jonny Black
Keiran Kennedey
Killing April
Kitty & The Can Openers
Lisa McLaughlin
Luan Parle
Mary's Great Idea
Maurice Ramsbottom
Niall Connolly
Paul Casey
Pocket Promise
Rachel Austin
Richie and Ruth
Steer Clear
Stevie Mac
Terry Hooley
Two Door Cinema Club
Ursula Burns
The Winding Stair


The Blues Brothers
Stir Crazy
Lord of War
Shawshank Redmption
Pulp Fiction
Fight Club
Singing in the Rain
The Incredibles
Ice Age
Crash ('06)
Back to the Future
The Green Mile
Toy Story
The African Queen
Die Hard
Groundhog Day
Monstors Inc
Lost in Translation...


Starskey & Hutch
The A Team
The Simpsons
Top Gear
Grand Designs
Law & Order SVU
Quantam Leap
The Flintstones
The Wonder Years
Everybody Hates Chris
The Rockford Files...


If you read one book in your life let it be The Diving Bell & The Butterfly by Jean-Dominique Bauby - Incredible...

Read books that challenge your perception of the world, read books that draw you in and don't let go until the very end...

Animal Farm & 1984, George Orwell
We need to talk about Kevin, Lionel Shriver
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
Do It, Jerry Rubin
Lies and the Lying Liars who tell them, Al Franken
Stark Raving Rulers, Sean Moncrieff
Millenium, Upton Sinclair

Stephen King
Carl Hiaasen
Dean Koontz

Balance of Power, Richard North Patterson
Secret Fallout, Ernest Sternglass
Colin Batemen
Pete McCarthy
Bill Bryson…


Sean Mac, mentor & friend.
Brend & Wanda @ CSS.
Malcom X.
Dr King.
The list goes on...

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Ask a Ninja!
Net Neutrality


Duke Special...

Eddie Izzard...

Lee Evans

The Two Ronnies

Billy Connolly

#9 Dream by REM

My Blog

The Photoblog... (updated 14 Feb)

So, I've stolen this idea from Ella, who stole it from someone else, who probably stole it from a million other photoblogs who probably all stole it from someone who's idea it was originally. So I'm c...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 05:20:00 PST

This is hard to believe

Strip search of woman by Sheriff's Deputies called outrageous..: Hope Steffey's night began with a call to police for help. It ended with her face down, completely naked and sobbing on a jail cell flo...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 04:11:00 PST

Come to Belfast, before we knock it down...

I love the City I was born in; I love the City I work in, I love the City where I've had more incredible experiences that I could ever have imagined.  The thought of leaving it often kills me but...
Posted by Chris on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 04:45:00 PST

The End of Oxjam 07...

So, after months of planning Oxjam Belfast is finally over, I dare say for most of the organisers and volunteers it's been a long time coming&  It has been a challenging little ditty to look aft...
Posted by Chris on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 08:12:00 PST

In the Shadow of Chernobyl..

Apologies that this is so long... Given that it is the 21st Anniversary of the Chernobyl NPP Disaster I felt it was important to post.   Thanks to my online friend Babushka for the heads up,...
Posted by Chris on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:04:00 PST

200 bits of odd info. Consume.

So,   It works a bit like this... - Bold  Have done& Italics  Would like to do& Plain text  Probably not now or never&- Easy? Good, read on. -01. Bought the whole pub a drink 02. Swam with w...
Posted by Chris on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:19:00 PST

Happy Days!

I've just landed my dream job. I start on the 4th of December and can't wait.   Here's to the future!...
Posted by Chris on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 07:31:00 PST

Vital06 - A review.... Of sorts...

If music be the food of life...   Tennents Vital 06 in Belfast is billed as a 'unique urban festival' , having just closed after two days and having been at both days I shall give my o...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 06:15:00 PST

May day programme in Belfast...

May Day Programme of Events Saturday 6 May May Day march 2006 Assemble College of Art gardens, Belfast at 12pm for speeches. March against racism! Join over 6,000 trade unionists and working peopl...
Posted by Chris on Fri, 05 May 2006 03:40:00 PST


* Can you cry under water?  * How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?   *  Why do you have to "put your ...
Posted by Chris on Mon, 01 May 2006 01:06:00 PST