"The scariest bar in Seattle." -- Tom Scanlon, Seattle Times
"I hear that place is a dump." -- Ricker, KISW-FM
"This place is a total stinking dump." -- Gustav Linden, Seattle WA
"If you've seen the bar in the first Star Wars movie, this is as close as it gets in real life." -- Anonymous,
"There seems to be a large majority of homeless drunk people who really need to wash their balls and asses." -- Clay "Stinky" Eldrege
"Look, I majored in History, crew [sic] up in California, and consider myself a very open minded person. But even walking by the Blue Moon just makes me cringe." -- Johnny H., (again)
"Incidentally, you probably know that the Blue Moon Tavern is famously the one-time hangout of Theodore Roethke. While this lends the place a certain infamy, the place is still a dive." -- Mike Pope
"Kerouac, Ginsberg, Dylan Thomas and Tom Robbins all drank here. The current patrons don't seem like they'll win any Pulitzers or shatter the world with original thinking because they're too busy just sitting around just having a beer. It's a dive." -- Maria C.,
"When Seattlest Dan and Seattlest MVB were in there recently we hadn't been sitting for ten minutes before some woman from Alaska dumped the contents of her purse on our table and sprayed us with cheap perfume. She got 86'd about 20 times and every time she returned she'd show up at the table looking for her phone and her coat." -- Dan Gonsiorowski,
"Supposedly, the city has gotten pretty sick of it and is trying to shut the place down. Usually I'd have a soft spot in my heart for places of Historical significance, but in this case, I say turn tear it down and put up a Jamba Juice." -- Johnny H.,
"If you children spend half as much time practicing as you spend writing on this wall, you might actually get good enough to not be stuck playing shitholes like the Funhouse or Blue Moon" -- graffiti in Jambox bathroom
"I bought a candle with a picture of Hendrix on it from a homeless guy at The Blue Moon. I realize now that it probably was stolen, but I was drunk at the time." -- Mark Ward, Gear Driver rock band
"The blue moon sucks, stinking ratinfested bumhaven shithole." -- Chris Townsend, "musician"
"At the Blue Moon, it seems like the doorman should ask for proof of medical insurance, as well as ID." -- Tom Scanlon (again)
"...the "winner" [at Conor Byrne's open mic] gets to 'open' for some crappy two-fruit band ('Blowdog and Sneezy' or whatthefuggever) next Wednesday at the Blue Moon tavern. The Blue Moon, by the way, is not a gig you take when things are going well.... So yeah, I win the dumb thing and figure that I'm supposed to open the show for no money and no freebies at the Blue Moon. Last Place got an envelope filled with the overwhelming relief that they don't feel a weird obligation to open for Blowhole and Chewy at a bar that has a Lost and Found for livers and hope." -- Geoff Lott, comedian
"i think the best part of the evening was watching the trendies from UW wander in, have their credit cards rejected(cash only), and scamper out after gulping down their drinks with scared looks on their faces. consider yourselves warned ladies, you will probably feel uncomfortable here alone. oh and the bathroom.... have you seen "Trainspotting"? remember the scene with "the filthiest toilet in Scotland"? feel like reliving it in Seattle?" -- Zachary P.,
" deserve to be shot. Fuck you Blue Moon" -- Little Rusty from the band Knucklehead
"who knew they would be a bunch of tight asses at the blue moon..fucking lame." -- All Time High
"[I]f you are ever thinking of going to Blue Moon to drink... don't!" -- Katt, The Nunchucks
"I'm very sure that those who told me about it are right in it being the oldest bar in the area. It shows. It's populated by people who are most definitely not enjoying life." -- Ian S.,
"A spectral display of delightful flavors in which all colors become twelve. The pastoral chicken is to die for! Also, don't miss the turtle bisque with essence of fennel - a real party for the palate. The service was exemplary, plaudits are in order. The ambiance is regal, majestic, yet still is grounded and hardly pretentious. Plus, I got bung by toothless crackwhore. Highly recommended." -- a certain Tom H.,
a baby in a cage
Photos gleefully swiped from
No, this was not the bar from the Jodie Foster stomach churner The Accused. We don't even have a pinball machine (anymore.)
A plasma widescreen with all of your favorites: ESPN, ESPN2, Fox Sports and the Arts Channel (seriously!) We've also got the soccer channel and, believe it or not, we'll be featuring some games for all of you hooligans. Bash 'is noggin!
Plenty. There's books here everywhere, everything from Stephen King paperbacks to encyclopedias to old computer manuals to those Readers Digest condensed novels to both the 86 and 87 editions of the Guinness Book to the occasional smut and even some Sweet Valley (I shit you not) High. I recently took home an odd find called The Book Of Negro Folklore. Oh, my God! This book could have only been printed in 1958, filled with old folk tales, oral histories, lyrics to spirituals, black magic spells (!), a dictionary of jive (!!!) and so much more, 700 pages that seem very politically incorrect. It was pulled from the shelves of Tenyaha Junior High in Fresno, CA. How did it get here? Like everything else on our shelves, I have no idea. Take a book, leave a book.
Sha Na Na