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Nancy Frieko

Yes! I said Vagina!

About Me

Dangerous Songs now available at Easy Street, Sonic boom, UnderDawg, CD Baby, and iTunes!

Nancy Frieko, born Jane Elizabeth Mabry, grew up in Central Arkansas. She was raised in a musical family. Although the older family members were advocates of classical, jazz, and gospel hymns, Nancy was obsessed with rock music. Her first record was KISS Destroyer.

Family members had her performing at church and at school from the early age of 3. She didn't like people taking her picture without her permission, and she really wanted to play electric guitar in a band. Being a minor, however, she didn't get to make those decisions. She does make them now.

From her early years on Nancy has performed and created words and music for herself. From singing and acting in early childhood, to playing cello in the orchestra in secondary school, and self-teaching guitar, keyboard, bass, drums, and song-writing, she has dedicated her life to music and art.

During her early to late teens, Nancy suffered severe emotional traumas. In an attempt to deal, she used to large and sufficient quantities of drugs and alcohol to deaden her nerves. Shortly after she turned 18, she met Stephen Egerton of ALL and the Descendants who became an inspiration. In an effort to make a clean start, she moved to the Pacific Northwest.

Living in the Northwest proved to be a great learning experience. She managed to clean up her act, but isolated herself with her sobriety and mental illness in the process. Nancy moved in and out of several bands, with Dr. Inme having the longest life -- 9 months. During this time she shared the stage with notables such as Katie's Dimples, Sage, and Seaweed. She performed regularly at the old Heidelberg Brewery, Offramp, the Colourbox, the Central Tavern, and her former place of employment, the Swiss. A few years later, she left the Northwest for New York, but wound up back in Arkansas.

Upon her return, she ran into old friend Bircho from Trusty. He, also, had just moved home from DC. Bircho introduced her to Skeeter Thompson, DC expatriate and former bass player of Dave Grohl's pre-Nirvana band, Scream. They had formed a band called Coal Burner and asked Nancy to step in on lead guitar. A relapse in heavy and hard drug use followed. After a near death experience, she went on hiatus.

Years later, Nancy was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Now she is back, open and honest, holding her axe with a place to stand.

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My Interests


Member Since: 11/7/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:

Nancy Frieko (vocals, guitar)
Chris Zukas (guitar)
Uncle Malcolm (bass)
Murdock (drums)

Appearing on the CD
Nancy Frieko (all vocals, all guitars, and bass)
Duart Hillis (some bass)
Jason Dennison (some drums)
Chris Martin (more drums)

View Nancy Frieko's EPK
Influences: I am the influence!
Sounds Like: Buy the CD!
Record Label: Neatomajick Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Tonight @the Sunset Tavern!

Hey everyone! I'm playing a totally last minute event tonight at the Sunset Tavern! The West Coast Kickball League is having a performance night, and I'll be joining them! I won't have the band tonigh...
Posted by Nancy Frieko on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 01:30:00 PST

Darkside Team Photo I joined a kickball team a little while ago. We're called the Darkside. This is photo taken of us last Thursday. I'm wearing the blond wig!...
Posted by Nancy Frieko on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 12:00:00 PST

Rural War Room Radio tomorrow night!

Tune in and listen to my friend's radio show tomorrow night! Yours truly is a featured artist!" TOMORROW NIGHT - Catch the next broadcast of our bi-weekly (every other Tuesday) online program, Rural W...
Posted by Nancy Frieko on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 02:53:00 PST

More radio play! Request me!

Just a quick note to let y'all know that I'm receiving airplay in Spokane on KYRS and I'm available for airplay in Olympia on KAOS. CALL EM UP AND REQUEST ME! KYRS: 509.747.3807KAOS: 360.867.KAOSxo,NA...
Posted by Nancy Frieko on Thu, 29 May 2008 10:02:00 PST

Thanks for coming out to the show!

I know, I know. I'd promised myself to do this sooner, but it seems I prefer to have a million things on my plate. Two weeks later, I'm here now, writing about the CD release party. What a fucking gre...
Posted by Nancy Frieko on Thu, 15 May 2008 11:09:00 PST

Tables and Chairs (Nancy Frieko) It's finally finished! Yay! I'd wanted to create a storyboard, but it was way too complicated for the amount of time I had. And I didn't want t...
Posted by Nancy Frieko on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 01:35:00 PST

CD Release party May 1 at The Mars Bar! (correction!)

Finally! Finally! I've had it booked for a few weeks now, but again, I wanted everything to come out at the same time. I was in the restaurant/bar/nightlife industry on and off for 15 years, and so I ...
Posted by Nancy Frieko on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 12:18:00 PST

Breaking it down! The CD release!

For the last couple of days, my head's been pinging around this idea of a CD release party. I love parties! Especially if they are about me (and who doesn't really?). And I really love performing. I l...
Posted by Nancy Frieko on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 09:49:00 PST

Airplay and press

I've been busting my ass with shameless self-promotion. What other way is there? Most days are good and satisfying. I feel that I've accomplished something. Little by little. A little something. And t...
Posted by Nancy Frieko on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 10:15:00 PST

Checkin in...

Hey everyone! First off, I want to thank everyone for the adds, the comments, the messages, and the support. It's great to hear from everyone!As you may or may not know, I've hit a few open mics and h...
Posted by Nancy Frieko on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 01:33:00 PST