The Shmoes profile picture

The Shmoes

We're the WORLD-FAMOUS Shmoes.

About Me

Songs will be available as soon as we get around to recording them.We don't take ourselves very seriously, we just play music for fun. Our shows are always free. You have to come see a show to understand what the Shmoes are really all about.We also have a group of people that wants to be just like the Shmoes, so they formed a Shmoes tribute band called "The Pep Tides." We can't understand why they like us so much, but we are flattered nonetheless.
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My Interests


Member Since: 7/30/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Joe Shmoe (Gus), Oly Shmoe (Jim), Flo Shmoe (Sara), Willie Shmoe (Tom), Supershmoe (Shannon), Don "Ho" Shmoe (Don), and Ringo Shmoe (Mark). Occasional appearances by Princess Shmoe (Samantha) and Token Shmoe (Mitch).

Influences: This is an impossible list to generate. We have been influenced by basically any good band or solo act you can think of, and some of the bad ones too.
Sounds Like: We play a very eclectic mix of music. This includes music from the 1920's through the late 1970's. It's all stuff that you can sing along and dance to. We incorporate several genres and styles. Come see a show to really understand what we're all about. Check out our website for a partial song list.
Record Label: Hammered Man Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The Big Show

On June 8th we played to the biggest crowd in Shmoe history. The Blue Moon was a packed house, complete with a triple-stack by the end of the night. The energy in the room was absolutely amazing. We a...
Posted by The Shmoes on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 03:46:00 PST

Blue Moon update...

Well, it seems that the Blue Moon has triumphed over those who have tried to run the place into the ground. After Gus refused to cave to the pressure of the authorities, it seemed as though the Blue M...
Posted by The Shmoes on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 04:21:00 PST

Princess Shmoe's local music picks

Here are the links to my two favorite local bands this week. Check 'em out! -Princess Shmoe  ...
Posted by The Shmoes on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:41:00 PST

Just to clear things up about our poster...

We've had a lot of questions about our poster, specifically as to whether or not it constitutes copyright infringement. Our poster isn't copyright infringement because parodies are protected by the fi...
Posted by The Shmoes on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 12:58:00 PST

Shmoe-appropriate places

We're currently considering expanding the number of venues that we play in from possibly two! Any ideas of a new place for the Shmoes to play? Obviously it would have to be a pretty laid-back...
Posted by The Shmoes on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 08:32:00 PST

What would you like to hear??

The Shmoes are looking to add a couple of new songs to our repertoire, and we need your help to do this. We would like to know which songs you think we should do, so send us your recommendat...
Posted by The Shmoes on Sat, 04 Nov 2006 02:30:00 PST

Why there's no "c" in "Shmoes"

A few people have asked us why we spell our name "Shmoes" instead of "Schmoes," so here's the answer for all of you folks: The person who did our first poster accidentally spelled it wrong, so we just...
Posted by The Shmoes on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 08:31:00 PST