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These frogs occur in several colour forms, each confined to very small locations within the eastern quadrant of Madagascar. They like their habitat with temperatures around 68 - 70*F and high humidity. This species is very showy in captivity preferring elevated positions out in the open. Males are generally smaller, slimmer and more angular in build than females and not as vocal as other species of mantellas. Females can produce eggs at a rate of once every two months given proper care.
What kind of Frog are you?
First and foremost, I am not into anything thug or "gangsta". This crap is degrading our youth and spreading like wildfire, yo? I like to see people fall down, get smacked into walls and bust their ass, (see below). People tell me I look like Bette Midler. Some tell me I look like Mary Lou Retton. I consider myself to look like me. Who really cares as looks fade and so will I, eventually. I have been knocked down so hard, so long, so much that I have "CAUTION" tattoed around my asshole. Enter at your own risk.I am far too intense, intelligent and multi-faceted to spill it all here. If you wanna know, just ask. No, I am not vain. I just know where I'm going and where I have been. Confidence is HOT."The imagination is the spur of delights... all depends upon it, it is the mainspring of everything."Marquis De Sade. Mark Twain best explains why I am here: "Nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kind of people.""What are you thinking when you're looking at me? What can you tell me of reality? I'm only woman, not just a fantasy And the flesh and blood is warmer than some color transparencyEvery woman's a Madonna; every woman's a whore, that's right" Cyndi Laupertd, table, tr, span, li, p, div, textarea, DIV body { background-color: 000000; background-position: left top; background-repeat: repeat; background-attachment: fixed; background-image: url