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I am here for Friends

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Who do voodoo

There's nothing about me, really.
I accepted this assignment to join the human race
and I'm not winning.
The race is fixed
my shoes are made out of gum
and I can't get no traction
(not to mention satifaction)
So, I do what everyone does
who finds herself in this dilemma:
I do my best to make it worse.
I can make it hurt
So good
That I do it over
and over
and over
Until the blood commences to flow
All over my soul
And I attain my martyr status
For which I yearn
And I live miserably
and that makes me ever so happy!
The subject of this first entry is ABOUT ME. And that is what I ask the person in the mirror each morning. I say "what about ME?" The rude bitch just shrugs and walks off and I don't have any further opportunity for questioning. So on my own, I keep trying to come up with an answer.
The purpose of writing about myself is to communicate with that person and possibly to talk myself into doing something worth saying "this is about me".
I have not been able to articulate my age since I was 39. I try to prepare myself for the possibility that someone will ask me how old I am but the words that come out of my mouth are "none of your fucking business" instead of the numbers the phrase represents.
I find it highly insulting that people don't just assume I'm 19. Of course I'm 19. That's where my developement was arrested. I haven't matured a day since then so why do I look so old and freakin' wise?
At 19, life was still full of promise and potential. I wasn't planning on spending my life being dissappointed. I was going to be a linguist, a traveler, a reveler, a raconteur, a cocktail server of the vanities, a FREE SPIRIT! But then, after reality moved into the master bedroom and I realized I would have to execute some sort of plan the whole idea just went totally sour.
So, this is all there is to say "about me". For now.
Spent some time feelin inferior
Standing in front of my mirror
Combed my hair in a thousand ways
But I came out looking just the same

My Blog

The Quietly Violent Parasite- A GBE Project

There is a parasite that lives in my gut. It grows with every incident. At first it was too small for me to feel it. On the day that it made itself known to me, I cried. I cried because there was some...
Posted by on Thu, 07 May 2009 15:35:00 GMT

GBE- Meet Tommy

My name is Sloth. Tommy Sloth. I'm not an actual deadly sin but I try to live up to my name. Don't believe me? Peek through the curtains at my apartment. The wife left three weeks ago. She took the Po...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Apr 2009 03:48:00 GMT

Complain Complain

You know, I really don't ask much. I don't expect to wake up in a state of unbearable bliss every day. I don't even expect to be all that happy. I'm not trying to be rich or famous. I have no expectat...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 09:38:00 GMT

Christian, Blind, Racist and In Denial

So, I was all dumb and happy because the American people finally worked together in a way that hasn't been done since the Revolutionary War and made a positive change in our country. ...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 11:45:00 GMT

GBE 53 - Widowed in Iwo Jima

The following was written for the Group Blogging Experience, the theme of which is to write from another time. My time frame is World War 2, after America officially entered the war. ****************...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 19:44:00 GMT

Motherly Love

"No woman should ever have to do this." That was my mother's lament after my father died in the prime of his life. He left her with an 11 year old child to raise, a mortgage to pay and a house tha...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 17:59:00 GMT

Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect My daughter complains that I love the dog more than I love her. The proof? Pictures. I have pictures of the dog everywhere. She claims I can produce a photo of the poodle in 2.9 ...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 16:51:00 GMT

Love Dont Come Easy- Blogophila 25

This is the continuation of the Toni story I've been playing around with. It was a scene written a year before the first chapter came about. It has all the criteria set forth by the sadists at Blogop...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 16:52:00 GMT

Let 'Em Eat Pie!!

It was the poodle's birthday this week so you know I have a slew of products to review. I hardly know where to start. I guess it would be appropriate to start with the cake. Yep, the cake. Ok, there...
Posted by on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 20:00:00 GMT

How My Ego Deceived Me- Blogophilia Week 24

In the murkey depths beneath my soul I found my truth. I  never really loved him. It wasn't about love, was it? It was about a young woman who believed to  be without a mate at that po...
Posted by on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 13:52:00 GMT