John Harden profile picture

John Harden

...and I'm all out of gum.

About Me

Humanoid biped. Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Likes chocolate milkshakes. Wears glasses. Throws like a girl.

Oh, and my regular website is here.

My Interests

Interesting things

I'd like to meet:

People who like smart, cool, and original films. And art, and music. People interested in creating really smart, cool, original films. And art, and music. An agent to represent me. A producer looking for a really good script. And Harvey Keitel... but I'd be scared of him I think.



Do you listen to music online? Learn about how music industry a-holes are trying to crush internet radio with exorbitant royalty fees. Click on the banner, they have information and a page that tells you how you can call your representative in Washington.


MY TOP EIGHT (today, anyway): Blade Runner. Holiday. You Can Count On Me. 2001. Truly, Madly, Deeply. Alien. Pulp Fiction. Broadcast News. . . . ALSO: The Year of Living Dangerously. Adaptation. Hannah & Her Sisters. Tootsie. The Conversation. THX 1138. The Incredibles. La Jetee. A Clockwork Orange. Dr. Strangelove. Solaris. Fargo. Star Wars. Jaws. The Usual Suspects. Memento. Eraserhead. Performance. The Day The Earth Stood Still. Atlantic City. The Fly (Cronenberg). American Movie. Groundhog Day. The Princess Bride. Die Hard. School of Rock. Dazed and Confused. Big Night. Dawn of the Dead. Shaun of the Dead. Out Of Sight. The Terminator. Being John Malkovich. Blue Velvet. Silent Running. The Abyss. Westworld. The Andromeda Strain. Seconds. The Parallax View. Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Star Trek 2. The Player. The Wizard of Oz.


Star Trek (original 60's version). The Outer Limits, but NOT the Twilight Zone. (Twilight Zone is the most overrated "Golden Age" program of all time. It was always a half hour of bad acting & hokey dialogue just to get to the damned twist ending. A long way to go if you ask me. ) What else? Rocky & Bullwinkle, and Bugs and Daffy and the Roadrunner. Mr. Rogers. Speed Racer. Ernie Kovacs, Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler Moore. Space:1999 (first season). Monty Python's Flying Circus! The Kids in the Hall. Fawlty Towers. Cheers & Frazier. Friends, but never when it's an episode about Ross' monkey. Nowdays I watch Dinner for 5, House, Battlestar Galactica, Stewart/Colbert, and any video clip shows where stupid people get injured. And when I'm sleeping on the couch, I like to listen to golf or that PBS show where that Bob Ross guy paints landscapes.


You know, the usual suspects: "Catcher in the Rye," "Huckleberry Finn," "Cat's Cradle," by Vonnegut; ...then the sci-fi: Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke... "Dying Inside," by Robert Silverberg; "The Forever War," by Joe Haldeman, "Gateway," by Frederick Pohl... these are all books I read decades ago. Lately I don't read so much, unfortunately. But I did manage "Empire Falls" by Richard Russo and "The Cheese Monkeys" by Chip Kidd, and enjoyed them very much. And can I put "Maus" by Art Speiglman on here? I can? Then add "Calvin and Hobbes" too.


Kill Yr Idols

My Blog

Collaborating on films (For attendees of "The Conversation")

NOTES for "The Conversation"'m a writer and director - also a graphic designer and illustrator working in the North Bay.In a word, I'm looking collaborator...
Posted by John Harden on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 05:33:00 PST

Animator vs. Animation

And, for the other side of your brain: Animator vs. Animation by *alanbecker on deviantART...
Posted by John Harden on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 01:28:00 PST

Whats the matter with Kansas?

...and all those other states that voted for Bush twice and will, no doubt, carry a majority for McCain? Does it make you throw up your hands? (Or just plain throw up?) Here's some analysis that goes ...
Posted by John Harden on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 06:33:00 PST

Smirking, nasty hypocrites

So much for "maverick" status. As McCain makes his hard right turn this week to suck up to the conservatives, read a great bit of analysis in this blog post by Tom Hall:
Posted by John Harden on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 08:51:00 PST


( quote Thomas Dolby.) Check out this short by UK artists Semiconductor. These guys hit the science/art interface in the tastiest way. Right up my alley. Thanks to Tommy Pallotta for posting it o...
Posted by John Harden on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 11:32:00 PST

RIP Bruce Conner

WatchBruce Conner (19332008)07.07.08Bruce Conner, a San Franciscobased artist known for his assemblages, films, drawings, and interdisciplinary works, passed away Monday afternoon. Conner moved to S...
Posted by John Harden on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 10:41:00 PST


Right now I'm looking for someone to play the lead in a comedy short film, and a whole gang of actors, male and female, to help me put on a staged reading of my new screenplay. Are YOU an actor? Head ...
Posted by John Harden on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:14:00 PST

RIP Klaus Dinger

Posted by John Harden on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:35:00 PST

Dog movie to play EENSY WEENSY theater in Berlin

Check it out, "La Vie" will play August 10 (with other dog-themed shorts) at this tiny little theater in the back of a bar in Berlin:I dig the red curtains......
Posted by John Harden on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 08:39:00 PST

It ain't so Joe

To: Cosmos BooksRockville, MD 20850Attn: Senior Editor, Sean WallaceDear Sean,A few weeks ago I found myself in a Safeway store in Lakeport, California. Each summer, my wife and I and some close frien...
Posted by John Harden on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 05:24:00 PST