Photography & music obviously! Not necessarily in that order....
People with genuine personalities. What's the point of trying to get to know someone who doesn't know who they are themselves?
Try being real - I promise you'll like it.
How do you talk without speaking
How do you hear without listening
How do you live without feeling
How do you take without giving
Social Distortion "Footprints On My Ceiling"
Man...where do I start?!?!
Everything from George Winston to Metallica (no, not the new stuff)...Johnny Cash to Norah Jones.
My Cousin Ryan
Lately it's been mostly local stuff though. Alot of rock, a little metal & even a little country thrown in for a good mix.
I'm a huge fan of local music...however...
Forever favorites - Animal House, The Blues Brothers
Been known to quote those and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Clueless, Sixteen Candles & many, many more....
Also a big fan of anything with Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, Nicolas Cage, John Belushi, etc.
I don't watch much tv..honestly I'd rather be on the computer - yes, I'm a bit of a gamer.
The Bible
The Thrill of the Chaste
Cash: The Autobiography
I'm With The Band
Walk This Way
I'll miss you Harley.
My parents, my grandparents, my brother, my nephew....
Roy, Dylan, Rachel, Jack, Jeff, Art, Dave, Jason & many, many more - you guys have taught me tons of priceless life lessons. And Marty, you gave me the gift of enjoying life to its fullest & taught me the lesson of saying what you need to before it's too late.