Blowing the whistle on fucks. Speaking for those who do not have a voice and screaming on their behalf, such that they will be heard. saying "never again" and meaning it. Ruling out bad decisions by only making good choices. Doing what's best for me, and not for you. If helping you won't hurt me, maybe I will. The pendulum swings both ways, and it has been sharpened this time. To not get cut, you'd better get out of it's "The planet isn't going to save itself!" Doing photography for sites like this with models like these, (especially Sab. ;) )
Every featured "Sweet Sixteen" from every episode of "My Supersweet Sixteen" on a Colliseum...for gladiator combat. I'll give them something to cry about...How's a bout a permanent limp Buffy, courtesy of me lopping off one of your legs at the knee...guess that BMW 700 Series you got instead of the Mercedes 500 Convertible wasn't so bad afterall, now was it, you stupid lil brat! It would be glorious, wouldn't it? Somebody get me the Producers stat, I think I'm on to something. My girls are awesome. They'll drink bottomless with me on a sunday while Gypsies serenade us. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
From A-Z across the board, depends on my mood, but here's a lil' sampler of what I may be listening to at any moment: Assemblage 23, Bad Religion, Broadzilla, Cannibal Corpse, Depeche Mode, Erasure, Foo-Fighters, Gangster Fun, Heart, Intermix, James, Killswitch Engage, Louis Armstrong, Marley (Bob), New Order, Outkast, Praga Khan, Queen, Revolting Cocks, Sarah Maclachlan, Techno, Usher, Violent Femmes, Wumpscut, XTC, Yello, Ziggy my 80s alternative & new wave, like some techno, Industrial, Goth, arena rock, rockabilly, classical, and punk. OK, Ok, so here's a few more Bruce, The Suicide Machines, AC/DC, Gore Gore Girls, Betty Blowtorch, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Chapterhouse, LL Cool J, Cypress Hill, George Clinton & The Parliament Funkadelic, VNV Nation, KMFDM, Front 242, Frontline Assembly, Social Distortion, Johnny Cash, Celtic Frost, U2, Cure, Cult, Church, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Bird, Afghan Whigs, 24 Gone, When In Rome...just to name a few more. I also dig the powerful overtures of Bach, Beethoven, Wagner, and Orff, you gotta love the fire & brimstone; swimmingly & sonically blasted aura thrown at us from the past!
Airplane, Army of Darkness, A Bridge To Far, Saving Private Ryan, The Sixth Sense, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Pulp Fiction, Evil Dead 1 & 2, Big Daddy, Apollo 13, Forrest Gump, Big Fish, The Longest Day, Midway, Battle of The Bulge, Apocalypse Now, Armageddon, Slapshot, Bull Durham, Dead Solid Perfect, Shreck, Sid & Nancy, Vision Quest, Big Daddy, Happy Gilmore, Sixteen Candles, Kingpin, The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, The Star Wars Saga, Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Paper Lion, Shawshank Redemption, Blues Brothers, The Walls of Jericho, Excalibur, The Professional, Sgt. York, Blackhawk Down, The Patriot, Glory, Bridge Over The River Kwai, Brian's Song, Schindler's List, Blind Date, Top Gun, Office Space, Say Anything, Better Off Dead, Tommy Boy, Grosse Pointe Blank, Platoon, Hamburger Hill, Silence of The Lambs, The Jerk, The Patriot, We Were Soldiers, Gettysburg, The Man Who Would Be King, Zulu Dawn, The Terminator, The Deer Hunter, The Bone Collector, The Lost Boys, Walk The Line, The Wedding Crashers, Death Race 2000, Fast Times At Ridgemont High ...just to name a few.
CSI-Vegas, Law & Order-SVU, Grey's Anatomy, The Shield, Rescue Me, Nip/Tuck, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Family Guy.
Read this, understand how I think. If you are not fighting alongside me, or against my enemy. You may very well be or become my enemy. Angels and Demons, The DaVinci Code, Blackhawk Down, State of Fear, Who Moved My Cheese?, The Shining, Patriot Games anything Clancy really. I enjoy Stephen King and Edgar Allan Poe's works immensely. Anything that I can learn from, I actually enjoy too.
Dad, Mom, and everybody that serves or has served in the armed forces to safeguard all the freedoms that we enjoy each and every day. People of integrity. It isn't easy in this world of sellouts to maintain. Kudos to those who do.