Reading, writing, lazing about. listening to music, playing music, cooking.
My inner child. Anybody thats daft enough to add me. Anybody that plays an instrument, in the swansea area. I'm thinking of starting/ joining a band. My tastes should let you know what I'm into. Although I thought Adding Anastasia would be funny.LOL. (Just to see if she would.) The fookers that keep on hacking into my site. Why do you do it you fuck's. Why not just get your own site, then at least decent folk will have a say in denying you.
I have wide tastes ranging from. R.E.M to Sepultura. I can listen to all sorts. my main ones are, Velvet Revolver, Pearl jam, Soundgarden, Temple of the dog, The Cult, Nailbomb, Fudge Tunnel, Kerbdog,turin breaks, U2(Yeah go figure), Pink Floyd, the list goes on.
Anything that goes whiz and indeed bang.
lost, anything by The discovery Channel. (How do they Make that) fuck knows thats why I'm watching you.
Lord of the Rings. (Anything by Tolkien.) Douglas Adams. Steven king. Harry Potter (Couldn't care a flying fuck what you think about that.)
I think everybody has a hero inside of them. And if you belive that Shite, well you sodding well go on to belive it. So belive in your self. If you want to think you're a jedi master, who wants to save the universe, then go ahead. Just don't take any other fuckers with you. You have been warned.