WeatherednBoston profile picture


Never mess with a Geocacher, We know all the best places to hide a body!!

About Me

I'm known as Weatherednboston or Weathered.
I hope to someday live in Australia. I have come to love the country. Love the people...the places...the accents...the Wombats :)

If your a local Australian living in my area I would love to meet you.

I'm 30 something and enjoying life every day. I love the outdoors. The woods and the ocean. I love to camp during the summer when I have the time. I'm an avid geocacher and love the sport.

What is geocaching you ask? Well it's a High Tech hide n seek game where you find a hidden waterproof container using a GPS'r and several multi billion dollar government sattelites up in space. They are hidden almost EVERYWHERE. If you go to you can search for geocaches near you by simply entering in your Zip Code. If there is none hidden in your town...i'd be quite suprised because they are hidden everywhere..on the tallest mountains and down at your local Walmart hidden in the parking lot somewhere :)
I'm a huge music fan. I love everything from Heavy Metal to POP. Ever since Nov 05 I have been a huge INXS fan. I love the old stuff and the new stuff. I must admit I love the older stuff better now that I have heard it all but the new stuff is incredible too! Everytime I watch a video the JD love flows back into my viens via the eyes lol Watch this and see why!

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet every geocacher in the kid you not! I attend lots of events :)



Creed. I miss Creed :( Love ya Mark Tremonti!

The Lovehammers MMM Gotta love the Dino!
Fleetwood Mac
George Michael
Steve Miller Band
Rick Springfield
Charles Farren


Young & The Restless
Shows I miss:
The X Files
In Living Color

Get video codes at Bolt .


JD Fortune sings Canadian National Anthem

My Blog

Geocaching yesterday in Haverhill, Mass was horrible!

I have decided to make some of my blogs private and only available to my myspace friends that I know and trust.  This is my second blog missed my first one if your not a myspace ...
Posted by WeatherednBoston on Wed, 02 May 2007 08:05:00 PST

Caching...job...and the SnarlyOldMan lol

So im off to go caching today...found a nice area north of me that I can clean out most of the caches in a 2 mile radius. Havent heard from the job yet about my start date...starting to get worried......
Posted by WeatherednBoston on Tue, 01 May 2007 06:32:00 PST

GeoTravel ....GeoWoodstock...GeoCapeCod

I'm so excited that the job I found is at night.  I should be starting next week and I will be starting work every day at 4 pm.  Which means I can CACHE ALL DAY   It also means when I g...
Posted by WeatherednBoston on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 12:49:00 PST

Geocaching along the Ipswich River in Massachusetts

My friend Carol has been asking me to go for a paddle down the Ipswich River with her and I havent been able to take her up on the offer because I have had so many planned geocaching trips our schedul...
Posted by WeatherednBoston on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 03:57:00 PST

Geocaching in Gloucester, Massachusetts

Last Wednesday after finding a new job I went out caching again in Gloucester, MA.  I'm trying hard to find all the caches up in that area.  There are just so many!!!!  I ventured into ...
Posted by WeatherednBoston on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 03:26:00 PST

The Boy Wonder--on the Drums

So what did I do on my first day off the job search?  I watched TeddyZ of course...all day long.  If you read my blog yesterday you would know I have a new favorite drummer...10 year old boy wonder......
Posted by WeatherednBoston on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 05:38:00 PST

My weekend plans...I got a job!

Well I pounded the pavement looking for a job this week.  I was really starting to get worried...but something came through right at the last moment. It doesn't start for a few weeks...just ...
Posted by WeatherednBoston on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 05:26:00 PST

OMG Impressive!!!!!!

I got a new friend request a few weeks ago and never approved it.  When I was going through my old list of unapproved friend requests I came upon this "friend" that had a video on their home page....o...
Posted by WeatherednBoston on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 04:22:00 PST

I almost gave up

I gave up yesterday.  I had 3 interviews on Monday and only heard back from one and they said I didn't have enough experience for the job.  It was an Accounts Payable job....I have 4 years of Accounti...
Posted by WeatherednBoston on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:15:00 PST

My Geocaching Weekend in Rockport & Gloucester

I went up to Rockport and Gloucester on Saturday & Sunday to go geocaching.  What great weather we had.  It was in the high 70's & 80's all weekend long.  Summertime   A g...
Posted by WeatherednBoston on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 04:27:00 PST