**~~** Adventure Girl **~~** profile picture

**~~** Adventure Girl **~~**

The first breath and last don't matter, it's all the ones that are in between. --Sugarland

About Me

My name is Dawn and I am 25 years old. I work on an ambulance as an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician). I love dogs, hiking, jet skiing, geocaching and just getting outside in general. I enjoy many types of music. The only music I really don't like is opera....everything else is pretty much free game.I have made it to the top of Mount Lassen (10,451 feet)3 times so far. I keep a hiking journal so that when I am older I can look back at all the hikes I've done....cheesy I know. In the meantime I am also working on an AA in history. After that, I plan on going to nursing school and eventually work in an ER for a career.

My Interests

I love hiking,geocaching, scuba diving, outdoor photography, camping, basically anything that involves being outside! As far as water sports, I love jetskiing (the "it hurts when you fall" stand up jetskis) and kneeboarding. I'm hoping to try skiing this year. Cooking is also starting to grow on me. Watch out Betty Crocker here I come!I love dogs! I think they are just about the greatest thing on earth. Mine is kinda like my kid...she even talk back (well......she groans. LOL). I've basically grown up most of my life with a dog. Maggie is my world, well, along side my boyfriend.

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to have a chat with John Chatterton and Richie Kohler about their historical dives!


I'm totally and completely enthralled with music. I can't get enough of it, it's a huge of my life. My music tastes are very eclectic, I like everything from Frank Sinatra to Tim McGraw to even some Eminem.


I'm really into movies......but not scary ones! I love action movies like National Tressure, Indiana Jones, Davinci Code, and Premonition. And of course, I'm into chick flicks like Sleepless in Seattle, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, etc. (probably because I'm a chick....lol).


I'm not into TV as much as I used to be, but I love Family Guy, Good Eats, Ghost Hunters, Deep Sea Detectives, Unsolved History, and Mysteries of The Deep.AND TODAY!!! SUPERBOWL!!!!!! SUPER BOWL RAP
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I am a HUGE book addict! I have 2 book shelves that are overflowing with books. I usually read everyday. I love Dan Brown! Some of the really good books I have read are: Shadow Divers, all the harry Potter books (but so far Half Blood Prince is THE best),Deception Point, Angels and Demons, Da Vinci Code, Cracking the Da Vinci Code, and Velocity. There are many others.....but way to many to mention!


Robert Ballard, Richie Kohler, and John Chatterton. OUR HEROES! Memorial day 2006

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My Blog

Book Review: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Author:   Anna BrasharesRating (1 poor - 5 excellent):   4 About the Book (from book):Carmen got the jeans at a thrift shop. They didn't look all that great: they were worn, dirty, and...
Posted by **~~** Adventure Girl **~~** on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 08:48:00 PST

Book Review: Prey

Author: Michael CrichtonRating (1 poor - 5 excellent):   5+ About the Book (from book):In the Nevada desert, an experiment has gone horribly wrong. A cloud of nanoparticlesmicro-robotsha...
Posted by **~~** Adventure Girl **~~** on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:30:00 PST

Book Review: East Wind, Rain

Author: Caroline PaulRating (1 poor - 5 excellent):   4 About the Book (from book): December 1941. The inhabitants of Niihau lead a simple life. Mostly Hawaiian natives, they work the ranch...
Posted by **~~** Adventure Girl **~~** on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 11:24:00 PST


Here is a poem/lyrics I wrote for Jesse about our LA trip...still needs some tweaking.....now to put music to it...... ENJOY!!!!Road Trip Over 1400 miles and 4 days in a car with you, and I still lo...
Posted by **~~** Adventure Girl **~~** on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 08:13:00 PST


Sorry this took so long to post.  LA was great!  Jess and I had so much fun. We saw so much in the short time we were there.  Everything from Kat Von D's studio, to Mann's Chinese Theat...
Posted by **~~** Adventure Girl **~~** on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 09:27:00 PST

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Dealthy Hollows

Author:  J.K Rowling Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent): 3.5 About the Book (from book):As the novel begins, Harry, Ron and Hermione are on the run from Lord Voldemort, whose minions of Death Eaters ...
Posted by **~~** Adventure Girl **~~** on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:39:00 PST

Book Review: Wolf at the Door

Author:  Ann Campbell Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent): 2 About the Book (from book):Annie takes Claudius with her to visit her aunt in Rosewll, New Mexico. Her aunt is under the influence of a re...
Posted by **~~** Adventure Girl **~~** on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 06:44:00 PST

Book Review: Return to Treasure Island and the Search for Captain Kidd

Author:  Barry Clifford with Paul Perry Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent): 2 About the Book (from book): With the help of the Discovery Channel, undersea explorer Barry Clifford fields an expeditio...
Posted by **~~** Adventure Girl **~~** on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 01:34:00 PST

Book Review: The Good Guy

Author:  Dean Koontz Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent): 5 About the Book (from book): Timothy Carrier, having a beer after work at his friend's tavern, enjoys drawing eccentric customers into amusi...
Posted by **~~** Adventure Girl **~~** on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 03:29:00 PST

Book Review: The Culture Clash

Author:  Jean Donaldson Rating (1 poor - 5 excellent): 2 About the Book (from book): Jean Donaldson Offers an Exciting New Perspective on the age-old relationship between mankind and dogs. Her ...
Posted by **~~** Adventure Girl **~~** on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 03:25:00 PST