Hi there hordes of loyal fans!
We hope we won't all drive you to suicide with the massage that we're on hiatus for the time being. No worries or panic attacks! We will return! It's just that for now we just can't find the time to complete te recordings. Everyone is occupied with 7 tasks at the same time...
On a more personal account: I'm working together with Joeri (A.k.a. Zwarte Dood: ex-Wanhoop, War Ensemble, The Grain, ...) to put a demo together. It's gonna be metal, it's gonna be raw, it's gonna be electro, it's gonna be ambient... It comes along quite nicely, so stay tuned for the release of that demo! In the mean time we try to get War Ensemble up and running. (Though we recently had some trouble with our drummer Steven, who suffers from a back injury) And on top of that all the ex-Wanhoop members are regrouping to start anew with The Grain, accompagnied by Steven (Sarin, War Ensemble) on vocals, Willy (Nagrach) on guitars and Han (Nagrach) on drums. We're really excited with to play together, and hope 2008 will spawn a monsterdemo!
As you can see: a lot is happening! So were not just relaxing, with our asses planted on some brazillean-waxed beach.
Hope to speak you all soon! (If somebody actually does give a flying fuck...;-)