Crys & Chris profile picture

Crys & Chris

Making our Dreams come TRUE

About Me

Little Grey Men Productions Inc. is located in the city of Vancouver, BC, Canada. Incorporated in October of 2004 by Christian Blaze & Crystal-Dawn Rosales to produce and shoot the feature film "Project GREY". This is the first feature film attempt from the filmmaking duo, and is currently being looked at by distributors for possible theatrical distribution. The film was shot over the course of a year beginning in November 2004, and has taken another year in post to achieve the look and style of a large-budget film, although it was shot on a modest independent budget, the filmmakers used their resources and talents to bring this amazing story to life on the big screen. Christian Blaze is back in one of the leading roles as well as one of the co-directors chairs, with producer Crystal-Dawn heading up the other director's chair for the first time. The creative pair also co-wrote the screenplay, while Christian once again is in the editing booth, Crystal is back at the production design table, and they both got busy co-producing the feature, while veteran executive producer Gabriel Napora (Triton Films) joined the project later on in post-production and is responsible for the film's interest from potential distributors after he took the pair to LA & AFM in November 2005.
Crystal Insight New Media Inc. is also located in the city of Vancouver, BC, Canada. Founded in July of 2002, and formally incorporated in April of 2004 by Christian Blaze & Crystal-Dawn Rosales, the company's main goal was to produce and shoot their first short film entitled "SPANK" to be used as their "calling card" debut into the industry. The company enjoyed much success and acclaim for their work, and premiered the film at the 2003 Santa Fe Film Festival in Santa Fe, NM. The film went on to play at 30 different venues & festivals and garnered over 18 awards and nominations during the 2004-2006 period, and is currently licensed to the CBC (ZeD TV) for a 3-year broadcast license in Canada (until 2008). The "little film that could" was shot for a shocking $200.00 CND, with most of the film's work being done by this incredible pair and the rest of the services donated. It paid off for them as many cast & crew have gone on to receive paid work on larger Hollywood productions shooting in Vancouver, and even a few cast & crew members enjoyed awards or nominations for their work on "SPANK", and to date the film has earned over $3500.00 in festival prize money.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Other filmmakers, distributors, actors & actress's, film crew, composers, VFX animators, artists, creative people, producers, directors, screenwriters, PR people, graphic designers, cinematographers, sound people, make-up artists, production designers, wardrobe people, bands, singers, models, assistant directors, locations managers, grips, gaffers, craft service people, executive producers, entertainment lawyers, production accountants, steadi-cam op's, production assistants, camera assistants, assistant editors, storyboard artists, office assistants, child actors (& their guardians), transport people, producer's assistants, VFX supervisors, VFX modelers & compositors, sales agents, talent agents, sound editors, and basically anyone who is currently in the industry and who wants to work with us on feature film projects.


soundtrack music & generally all types and styles of music, expecially classical, hip-hop, rock, house, jungle, r&b, rap, alternative, pop, lounge, and jazz / big band.


lots and lots....pretty much any film that makes you think (for example "Lord of War" or "Crash")....and films that have won awards, either Oscars or independent / festival awards, since these are most likely to be good films with good production values or a great message in the story (like "Hustle & Flow", "Traffic" or "American Beauty")....also like a good documentary that provokes you to think about the political, spiritual or social issues (for example "Rize", "What the Bleep do We Know" or "Bowling for Columbine")....and of course animated films, either classical 2D or VFX 3D (like "Finding Nemo", "Alladdin", "Waking Life" or japanamation films). Foreign films also kick ass (like "City of God") since they open your mind to other cultures and issues facing people around the world. Films with a great acting ensemble or a musical themed cast also are a must-see on our list (like "Chicago", "Swing Kids" and "Moulin Rogue"). And lastly, any films by great filmmakers of the present day that help define our generation's cinema and provide role models to aspiring filmmakers like ourselves, such as Tarintino, Baz Lurhman, Robert Rodrigaz, Kubrick, Oliver Stone, Sofia Coppella, Tony Scott or Speilburg, as these guys/girls really know how to tell a story and make a movie come to life.......and of course our own films ;)


America's Next Top Model, The Amazing Race, Much Music VJ Search, Canada's Next Top Model, American Idol, Most Haunted, Ghosttowns, How Clean is Your House, Too Posh to Wash, Take this House and Sell It, (reality shows kick ass since they are more entertaining than most of the crap on the tube and we love the real-life dramas, especially those home makeover shows or the ghost-haunting shows from the UK). As for fictional shows, of course the animated shows like The Simpsons, Family Guy, King of the Hill, Futurama, South Park and series like CSI, Cold Case Files and the short-lived Reunion, and classic shows we grew up with that are in syndication like Full House, Saved By The Bell, Roseanne, Degrassi High and The Cosby Show.


Shine, The Bible, Film Directing: Shot by Shot, Shakespeare on Love, The Millionaire Mind, The Art of War, Andy Kaufman: The Truth Revealed, Making Faces, The Forbes Book of Business Quotes, The Chakras, Fortune Magazine (monthly subscription), mostly all of Anne Rice's novels, American Cinematographer Magazine, IFC Magazine, Variety Magazine, and anything we pick up at the library on a topic that currently interests us.


Bono, the Dali Lama, Jesus, Buddah, Martin Luther King, JFK, and ourselves.

My Blog

anyone want to buy our stedicam???

Purchased a brand new GlideCam V8 Stedicam package (for digital camera's 10lbs and under) last year for $3800 CND tax, used only 4 times on set!!!! The GlideCam rig's are lightweight, easy to use (we ...
Posted by Crys & Chris on Wed, 17 May 2006 08:29:00 PST

Please leave comments on our trailers, thanks!

Hey guys, If you could do us a favor and watch both the trailers for "Project Grey" and "SPANK" and leave us some comments on our page that would be awesome! We are currently in the process of fi...
Posted by Crys & Chris on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 04:54:00 PST