My interests are: Indie rock Indie films Magnolia Cupcakes VW Bug's Mac toys Fender guitars comedy comedy comedy and writing comedy
Paula Pell, Charna Halpern, Conan O'Brien and the Late Night writers, Steve Allen, Phyllis Diller, Ellen Degeneress,Karen Kilgariff,Wayne Coyne, Jim Noir,Tim DeLaughter, David Dye, Ira Glass, Wes Anderson, Carol Burnett, Fred Armisen, Jim Gaffigan, Sean Hayes, Wil Forte, Lorne Michaels, Fred Goss, Anne Beatts, Amy Sherman-Paladino,,Jennifer Celotta any television comedy writer. Anyone doin' the stuff. Oh- and anyone who works for Strawberryfrog!
Indie rock is where my heart is. I love the culture, the artists and the lifestyle. I am a musician. I play guitar, synth, some mandolin, glockenspiel and some percussion, and I sing lot's of backup stuff. I love love love harmonies. I can hear 5 part harmony in everything- even a flushing toilet. Music anchors the soul. Music = Friendship. Music is God in all of us.
My life is a sweet mix of Napoleon Dynamite, Jerry Lewis films and any world created by Wes Anderson. The film and soundtrack to "Harold and Maude" set the tone for my adult life
I'm very emo about television, especially comedy. As stupid as this may sound, it got me thru a really painful childhood. Number 1 on my life list is to get that ticket to an SNL show. I've been trying for 30 years. No joke. I saw the very first show when it aired and it changed my life.
Read my autobiography/blog hybrid experiment titled "Please Stand By" www.thegladgirl.blogspot.comI like biographies of rock stars and comedians. My favorite authors are David Sedaris & Erma Bombeck. I like Jim Greer too- rock writer, used to be in Guided By Voices. (and super nice guy in person!)
Heroes are people who get up and go to work everyday when they are tired, sick or in pain- just to take care of their family. Heroes take up the cause of the weak and work towards the big picture.