DEE profile picture


Live Every Day as If It Was Your last - Someday You'll Be Right

About Me

Hello! I am a mother of two. My oldest, Gabryella, is 3 1/2 my youngest, Gavin, is ten months old. I currently reside in El Cajon, CA (San Diego Co.). I work as an Embalmer for a local mortuary and fill in as Funeral Director when I'm needed. Before you ask - I DO NOT watch "6 Feet Under" - and if I hear the phrase "I See Dead People" one more time I'm gonna puke. I graduated from San Francisco College of Mortuary Science in 2002.Check out the website for my family's haunted house:

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests

Underwater Basket Weaving, Marshmellow Farming and Collector of Useless Crap - Oh, and most recently PUB QUIZ

I'd like to meet:

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I'll listen to anythingCheck out Choir Practice with George!


I prefer intellegent movies - but a "no-brainer" now and then can be a good thing.


Crime Shows (CSI, BONES, AUTOPSY, CROSSING JORDAN) If it's got a morgue I'll watch it! I also like That 70's Show, 2 1/2 Men, Family Guy, The Dailey Show, The Colbert Report and I can't stop watching Project Runway - what's wrong with me?????


Pretty Much anything EXCEPT romance novels - Bleh!

Get Your Sexy Name


Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Henry Lee. They kick ass
Your Famous Last Words Will Be:
"Nice doggy." What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?