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Smoky Mirrors

Truth is false because it can be falsified, falsity is true because it can be rectified. The line is

About Me

my name is...

Smoky Mirrors is my attempt to reflect that elusive spright-like self, whether through words or pictures, or the dalliance of both. Please take a gander at "Smoky Mirrors's Networking" section on the bottom of this page to have an idea of what it is I do.
Even better, you may want to peruse my dot com directly:

Or you may want to simply read this short short story below. Merely a thousand words long, not including the title, it is the only story I can "publish" on the internet in order to show a sample of my writing. All other stories, poems, and proses will have to go through the mire of publishing. I hope this story knows how lucky it is to be so free:

The Air is a Thinker's Friend
(Just Look and See What I Mean)
By yours truly
"Are you still thinking again?" James Hanson walked by with his tray filled with a heap of fast-food.

"Yeah. Yeah. I know. 'It's a bad habit.' I know."

"Yeah, yeah, you damn right is a bad habit. I can't believe you still do that. You realize that thinking..."

"Oh, no. Please, gimme a break."

"Oh yeah, listen. This is your punishment. You realize that thinking kills your brain cells? And isn't it illegal at this time of hour?"

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. I gotta read this last paragraph. It's right at the end and it's a cliffhanger. Hold up."

"Man, gimme that notebook. Gimme that book. And the comic too. What the hell...? Art... Psst," James Hanson snatched the books, and a stack of pencils and pens towards him. James then sat and took a bite of his juicy hamburger. As he chewed, he fumbled the words, "Hmmgh... I heard in the Gotham News that 'thinking can disrupt the frequencies of planes and cellulars and walkie talkies.' And sociologists say that you become so anti-social, that you can even become agoraphobic, which means you have a fear of the street, and people..."

"I know what it means..."

"... And you just don't exist. You become so nonexistent, that you'll get psychedelic or something... Hmgh... Oblivious to the world around you. Now, that doesn't sound right to me. And they say that the reason people think in the first place is just to understand the world better anyways. So I don't get it. I don't see the point."

"Please give me my things. You do your thing, I do mine. I'm not causing any harm to you. Do I?"

"I don't even care. I'm just saying, you know, you're gonna die." Hanson began to slurp from his corporate-generated over-commercialized soda. He began to chew and stuff his mouth with fries and the burger and the such. It didn't matter. He wallowed in his own binge and taste, the taste of taste, and his patient death. And wallowed he did, with enthusiasm. His voice had to clamber over his consumptions as if it were clambering mountains and cliffs, just so it may take off into the air, "You know, that's nasty. Ugh... Don't read and think while I'm eating. What is that? Fiction? Some novel?"


"What?! The hard stuff!? You know that it won't just make you think, right, but it'll change the way you think!? I don't even know how that feels, and I don't even wanna know. It sounds nasty." James continued eating and drinking.

"It doesn't feel nasty. It doesn't feel like anything. Really. It has to accumulate. It's too subtle to notice. But when you realize you think differently, it's a beautiful feeling. Your senses get sharper. And it's like a joke. Life can very well be a joke. Because when you think, it's like you finally get it. I read that somewhere, actually. Nothing's original. You see? It is a joke. How else can you explain the fact that the more intelligent you become, the less you realize you know? For every step you take, the distance doubles. Sometimes, it even triples."

James peered with averse eyes, "You're thinking, aren't you? I don't wanna hear it. I'll get second-hand thinking. You know that it's contagious. It can lead to diseases or cancer: Acquired Intelligence Dexterity Syndrome. And it's not 'be-cause' dammit. It's ''cause.' OK?";

"Yeah, whatever. That's the norm. But just because everybody does it or say it, it doesn't mean it's correct or the right thing to do."

James's gaze of suspicion and aversion continued, "You're always doing this, thinking, right? You've grown dependent, haven't you? Man, is hard work. Why do it if you're happy already, man? That's all I'm saying. I know if I don't get paid over-time, why work extra?"

"Think of it as an investment."

"Investment for what? You know what? I don't wanna hear it. I just know it ain't right. Com'on. I'm over-stuffed. Let's go," James and his pedantic friend walked outside.

"So what are you going to do now?"

"I'mma go right there, across the street to the liquor store and buy me some nice liquor, and maybe watch a game or whatever's on TV. You know, the usual. You?"

"Me? I'm going to go in the investment business," there was a grin and the horizon was in vision, "Maybe change the world so my kids can live in a better home, maybe discover things to answer a few questions that have never been answered, or just become one of many that spread the word around. There are many, but never enough. Maybe I'll get money or power, the selfish thing to do, to take care of my posterity, the unselfish thing to do by some, still selfish by those who know it isn't enough. Or with the money and power I'll take care of the world, ultimately, the unselfish thing to do. I might just mingle with the ones that know (which what we end up doing actually is share notes). I have many options. It..s a playground where I can do anything I want. But I have to do the investing now. First."

"Dude... What da hell is wrong wit' you? Your head is messed up man. Man, now I really need me some liquor! You're giving me a headache."

"Yeah, that's good. That means you're trying to pay attention. I'm just playing with you, though. I just wanted to see you trip a little bit."

"Isn't paying attention the gate-way drug? Don't answer. You do whatever. I'mma go get me my liquor."

They shook hands.

"Look, I just get disgusted sometimes and I know it's hard for you, but I do it 'cause I care about chu, man. I care about your health."

"Yeah, I know. You won't see me reading again."

"That's what I like to hear," James said, releasing his grip. "I'll see you man. Be careful when you do that stuff."

"Don't I know it. It's nice bumping into you. It's been a while, let's hang out again, OK?"

"Yeah, I know. We'll see. Nice seeing you too dude."

They parted their way.

James said, "Man... Why did I hang out with such a fool?"

Copyright (C) 2004 Rammer Martinez.
You guys are welcome to tell me what you think, love it or hate it... that's why MySpace is design this way. I'll be updating this site regularly with my newest work, event updates, blog posts, and all of that goodness.
Thank you, come again.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All fair persons, lost in need,
a blearing of smog is all they see.
With words or pictures, rough or sleek,
crafting about, with arduous feat
for the blind, mute, or the meek
these're the ones I'd like to meet.

(see "Smoky Mirrors's Networking")


Books with my designs, pencils,
letters, and pre-press/post-press:
Comicbook Artists Guild Anthology #4
Penciled, lettered, and did the pre- and post-press and character designs for the 8-pager Tile Trinity . Worked with writer Alan Abbadessa.
Psychosis! #1
Co-created, character designed, lettered, penciled, pre-pressed and digitally manipulated the 8-pager Desperate Skin . The book has four variant covers. I did two of the four variant logos. Worked with writer Alan Abbadessa and inker Peter Palmiotti . Psychosis! #1 is currently in 20 comic stores in six U.S. states and selling like hot cakes! So get your grubby hands on them.

Comic Laundromat Sampler '06

Tile Trinity and a 4-page untitled comic. Cover design done by me. Worked with writer Alan Abbadesa.

The Mind's Overflow

A 69-page out-of-print anthology I published/art directed. I also drew a few of the illustrations, designed (pretty much the overall book and logo), and penciled/inked/lettered/image manipulated a 14-page comic of the same name. Worked with Alan Abbadessa , E-I-C. This was our first venture into comics publishing.

My Blog

From Me to You 003: "When One Wants What" the Tongue-Twister

Made me a tongue twister, just because. I'll use it somewhere, somehow, somewhen: When One Wants WhatWhat would wait with what will waste,When what was well, went wane-in well? What was once wast...
Posted by Smoky Mirrors on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 11:53:00 PST

Two Logos, Out of Five-Hundred

For some 'really good' news, the Rammer ambigrammatic logo and the Seven Up logo (not to be confused with 7UP) are published in Rockport Publishers' Really Good Logos Explained, written by Margo Chase...
Posted by Smoky Mirrors on Mon, 12 May 2008 11:30:00 PST

Warren Ellis’s new music podcast: The 4 A.M.

Quoted from Warren Ellis's website: "The 4am is a mixtape file containing nothing but music donated directly by new and/or unsigned acts. The 4am is of no set length and is released on no set schedul...
Posted by Smoky Mirrors on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 12:45:00 PST

From Me to You 002

If you get to know the world enough, there'll come a day when you'll never be lost. Those are the days when you truely find yourself; never by knowing oneself and always by knowing the rest. That empt...
Posted by Smoky Mirrors on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 02:11:00 PST

From You to Me: We Read the World Wrong and Say That It Deceives Us

"We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us." Rabindranath TagorTell me how this speaks to you.Rammer Martínez SánchezSmoky Mirrors andCAG, New YorkSmoky Mirrors MySpace blog "Subscribe" " S...
Posted by Smoky Mirrors on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 09:30:00 PST

short-nothings: Psyche the Go-lucky

"Psyche! Psyche& Psyche& Psyche here& Psyche here& And here& And here, and here& Here too&" This was a young woman with stringy, straggly, slumbery hair, in the night, all in black, poking the...
Posted by Smoky Mirrors on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 04:33:00 PST

thoughts:To Consider or Not Consider when on Cue

How do you know when is it that you're asking for too much? When is it that too much is in need of asking? When is it not enough for the heart that loves you? When does it overstay its welcome? There ...
Posted by Smoky Mirrors on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 09:33:00 PST

short-short:Dignity at about a Quarter a Word

Here's a little thing I bumped into. It's merely 175 words. I think I'll call it Dignity at about a Quarter a Wordby Rammer Martínez Sánchez I love seeing figures, ethereal figures which only cong...
Posted by Smoky Mirrors on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 09:39:00 PST

Psychosis! .1 reviewed at Broken Frontier and The Comics Review

Broken Frontier's Kenneth Gallant and The Comics Review's David LeBlanc gave their reviews of Psychosis ..1, the latest anthology coming from Guild Works Productions (GWP), the publishing arm to Comic...
Posted by Smoky Mirrors on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 07:46:00 PST

ME! Yeah! Me! on Catch Da Craze

Click on the Catch Da Craze podcast pic up here so you can listen to their latest episode with ME as a guest! Yup, this is my first and only interview thus far. Hear me roar and make a fool out of my...
Posted by Smoky Mirrors on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 09:17:00 PST