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{4Q2music.com} The Band , 4Q2

About Me

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Still to this Day I carry the Nothing King name by still Playing the Nothing King set of music In the French Quaters whitch is Dear to my Heart ,,,, Bring it On .Now it's Landry's Last stand Make it or Break it, 4Q2 , the Music will not be open to the Public until late March of 2007 .But in the mean time I have 4Q2 shirts and 4Q2 oval Stickers and Really Cheap 4Q2 sunglasses .If you have any Questions and wish to drop me a line and Say 4Q2 , you can contact me at ---4Q2music.com, Landry665@hotmail.com, myspace.com/landry665

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Any one that has an Interest in music, and will Let me Rub Caned Pea's on their ass. Rock On !!!!!!Let me Wake then to Murder me in my sleep, A Cause from your drunkenness that you are blind, Better to let my Heart pour out on the ground, Then to push my faith over like a Spoil Princess, It's a Matter of placement that you discourage me, That I should never love again in your eyes, Better to Watch me sleep then to Huber over me drunk, Drunk from your Horror lost that I might wonder from you, No Big words just Sadness that I sit upon this thrown, A Thrown that you have created in your Kingdom of sadness, Now that I am your Jester that you Huber over me, My dark sleep that your Drunkenness will come to a end, Better to Murder me with my Eyes open, So I can see my Love struck drunk Killer,CPR 2007 James Landry,I'm still Breathing Just not alive at Times, I feel as if every thing I once Knew is nothing Now, I have been Abandon by Fear it's just what I see , Because it's made for me to see only, This is not a Poem this is my life, This is my breath my stand.I'm just letting every one know I'm only one. 114 O G White 4everLuv all Landry. The Black Curtain at Times, Blame for the Faults of Others,How Can I write about your Beauty when your claws of angry are Scratching my eye's out, How Can I wipe the Tears from my Eye's when your Spit lands upon my face Like Venom, How Can I say I love you when your shadow Haunts Me as my Lie's once did, My HeartAches to see you Hate me with Every fault of Every Man woman or Child, I Drown In my Own Tears as I laid On your Bed of crush Glass and Eggs Shells, I Hide From your Thoughts From Words Spoken From Others, The War I am in is Not Mine nor Yours but Nonsense created By the Ones that spoken , If I Can not See your angry Beauty that Haunts My Every Waken Moment, Then Spit in my eyes and claws my face listen to Spoken Words From others, Let Me Drink from your Angry cup of Venom Blame me for the Faults of Others, How do you fall in Love when you Blame me For all the Others.CPR2007 James Landry. Ring Loudest,why do you batter my words with sticky finger, Why is it you have not learn how to play a tune, Yet with your words that you make believe your sad song is yours, Why why why why why till I'm Blue in the face, If being me is the Only way you can be you, Then I will mentor some thing or not whether I like it or not, Every Boat or Ship has it's Barnacles just wait for low tide I said, I will pound my Bow hard against the reef to shake you loose, That My song will Ring Loudest then once you are shown That I bow to no King or Goddess, Just Maybe you will shed your Skin and no longer need My tune to play for every one else, Or maybe you can ring Loudest,CPR 2007 James Landry,


Building a Better Feet In Face Sound. "4Q2" Stuff" "I Like My Guitar Picks" " Sell a lot these,Back Order -..


Freddy got Fingered , Deliverance, Scarface and any thing that has Violence. I hope every One Learns Some thing or your Life will be Taken away,,,,, Well I Can't Pray to God any More ? , Because there Isn't One,, So I think it's Just Us Now ,,,,,, embedhave you ever Seen this it's Far out, you really Need to see it and Past the word , it's a 1 hr 56 min's Long it's a Must see it's the Truth I think every one Should Know this it will Change the way you think about every thing ,,,,,Pass it around let people know , they need to Know,,http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com/


Grease it Up and Make LOVE to it.


Rita Book,


Any one who Punches Howard Stern In the Mouth.

My Blog

What You Think !!!!

     http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">..http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i101/landry665/179923751 1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"...
Posted by 4Q2 on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 11:55:00 PST

I really Like the Photo's

I know I'm quit the Largeness person and will learn to Deal with it in time My own Time,   I really like the Photo's , But not the Photo's Of Fat Chick's.  to ensure the hap...
Posted by 4Q2 on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:00:00 PST