About Me
From Summer 1992 through Summer 1996, we had a band--a band that started out as "Drag Link" and ended up as "kûr'nel".
We gigged a lot, as headliners and opening acts, from Houston to Panama City. We played with many bands--some that made it, some that faded into obscurity. We had some incredible gigs, we had some horrible gigs. We had some of the biggest names in the industry at our shows, and we had riots and raids at our shows. We saw it all, everything except a record deal.
So we released our own material with our own money, promoting it by ourselves, with help from some of our die-hard friends. Whenever we were faced with obstacles placed by certain elements of the music industry that didn't want us to be heard, we pushed and kicked our way through and got heard anyway.
In the end, though, those elements won. The internal conflicts and frustration that had always simmered beneath the surface of the band, combined with constant resistance from the scene to our style of music, finally did us in. Our weaknesses exploited, the artistic direction of the band in limbo, and a general feeling of exhaustion from fighting the forces that were (but are no longer) convinced us to close up shop in July of 1996.
Until the end, though, we stayed true to the ideal that we founded the band on--filter our influences through our own instinct for "death groove", pepper them with New Orleans-style jazz riffing, and create a wholly original sound; a sound we liked to call "jazz-core". And that's what we did--and no one else has or will ever be able to recreate that sound. And like so many bands we've played with, that sound now fades into obscurity.
My Blog
This is only a tribute site...
...and kur'nel does not exist anymore. The last gig was December 19, 2003, so we are not gigging and therefore this myspace is not here to promote gigs. Neither is it here to sell CD's, or...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 15:46:00 GMT
Favorite Song(s)
Out of curiosity, i'd like to know what everyone's favorite song or songs were. As a member of the band, i'm a little biased towards ones i enjoyed playing.My personal favorites were:JOKE'...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 19:29:00 GMT
Demo Releases, Etc.
Here's the list. Not much, but it's official...DRAG LINK"Liquid Chicken" Barefaced Blind Cheesemeister Symbiosis LINE-UP: Doug, John, James, HenryRECORDED: Feb-May, 1993RELEASED:&...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 23:58:00 GMT
Old Flyers
Here's some old flyers i scanned a few years ago. Might jog a few memories.(HINT: Click on the picture for a larger image;)
Posted by on Thu, 11 May 2006 00:14:00 GMT
Gigs: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
A better title for this would be "The Killer's and the Crappers"--it is a partial list of the best and worst gigs of kurnel. Granted, this list is based solely on my opinion, so if ...
Posted by on Sun, 07 May 2006 23:12:00 GMT
Complete Songlist
The Complete Drag Link-kur'nel songlistORIGINALS:1. Symbiosis &nb
sp; [Music: Drag Link / Lyrics: DUGG]2. ...
Posted by on Sun, 07 May 2006 13:36:00 GMT
Final Recognitions
A final "Thanx" to those who were there, in alphabetical order. Please forgive me if i've forgotten you, and post a comment.THOSE WHO STOOD BY US: Jimmy Anselmo, Bobby Bergeron, Big Matt, ...
Posted by on Sun, 07 May 2006 13:01:00 GMT