I'd like to meet:
'YOU' ! Whoever the Hell You Are!!!
My Favorite music choices have always been of raunchy, dominate, redneck country artists(Gretchen, Loretta, Tammy, you get the idea!). I also like the oldest filthy blues around( Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Nina Simone, those ladies of pain) But we can't forget all the songs with dirty words( Frack Off, Frack me Forever, Pipe Dreams, Ain't Nothin' But Sex, Big Dick, gettin' the picture now?)
As long as I'm in the 'back row'...I don't care what's playing on the screen!
I do have some favorites. They change often( I like change). At the moment I'm enjoying Sci-Fi Friday and the new Survivor(dirty, sweaty boys on an Island..what's not to like!) Love everything on HGTV, Food Network, and TLC. Comedy Channel is a must! History Channel after a cocktail or two! You can never learn too much about those ancient Greeks!!
Got bad eyes!! Like the pictures, tho'!
A wise woman once told me..."If you're going thru HELL,...keep on going, don't slow down and you might get out before the Devil even knows you're there!" She's been my 'hero'.