Whiskey, Music, Beer, Weight Lifting, Art, Smut, Zombies, Serial Killers, Traveling, Fishing...and so on..
any wild ass crazy people on a death trip..iggy pop...nymphomaniacs...belladonna..gia paloma, ashley blue etc...
Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Hank III, GG Allin, Iggy and the Stooges, David Allan Coe, Alice Cooper, Scott H. Biram, JOE Motherfuckin' BUCK, Little Richard, PRINCE, Willie Heath Neal, Chuck Berry, 70's punk/KBD, Hasil Adkins, Johnny Horton, Wayne County and the Electric Chairs..real Country/50s-60s Rocknroll/Delta Blues..Hendrix/Rolling Stones..etc..etc.. TRASH COOKIES!!
Horror, Porn, Weird Shit...
When I Can I Watch: The Simpsons, Roseanne, Family Guy, Twilight Zone..
The Redneck Manifesto, Please Kill Me, Zombie Survival Guide, Hells Angels, Chopper "series" (Mark Brandon Read), Hunter S. Thompson, Chuck Palahniuk..non-fiction mostly though..
Myself...Attila the Hun...Andrei Chikatilo