Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting Partners Playmate Highlights
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
I like to think of myself as a very well rounded person. A night out on the town, a nice dinner with friends, my intrestes range from A to Z
As an entertainer I am a very outgoing, friendly person. I never meet a stranger. I love making new friends and developing relationships.
I have a passion for music that speaks to me. I will not go on stage with a number that I do not feel
Sound of Music, Steel Magnolias, Sordid Lives, Fried Green Tomatoes.
Golden Girls.. Should I really go on.. I LOVE Lifetime.. tv for drag queens.
I would like to invite you to see the Partners Playmates July the 5th. 10PM Come see the hottest show in town. Tried the rest now come join the best with the playmates.
I would like to tell you about a few of my girls. They are my friends and my co-cast memebers at Partners ( Sophie Cox- Sophie and I have been friends through thick and thin ( well, not so much thin). We have a friendship that is better described as familyship, by that I mean we are sisters. Period. Brooke Alexandra- Brook and myself have personalities that are two of a kind. I would give brooke the wig off of my head if she needed it and she would give me the blouse off of her back if I could fit into it!. I love working with Brooke because she is SO energetic and brings such life to the stage. Stephanie Shapae- (a person or thing that inspires) This is the definition from the dictionary. This is who Stephanie is! I look up to Stephanie in so many ways. She inspires. I am proud to have her as a personal friend. One more thing.. This Gall can WORK!!!! Jason- Jason and myself have a whole brain between us. We are one heck of a team and I thank God for sending me such a wonderfull business partner and friend.