Dixie Martin profile picture

Dixie Martin

The girl of your dreams

About Me

"IF LIFE WAS FAIR, ELVIS WOULD STILL BE ALIVE AND ALL THE IMPERSONATORS WOULD BE DEAD!" ~Johnny Carson! I am originally from Whittier California but moved to Phoenix in 1992. One of these days I will move back to California to be next to the ocean. God I miss the sound and smell of the sea. I know I am crazy but what can I say. I have a FABULOUS husband,2 crazy wonderfull chihuahua's, a great family and the best friends any girl could ask for. I am a sucker for BIG hair, great vintage clothes, vintage shoes and new shoes ( I dont discriminate I love ALL shoes.), MAC makeup, tattoos, hot rods, music for all era's, good mexican food, ELVIS, red lipstick, false eyelashes, pinups pictures, ANYTHING FASHION. My list could go on and on! I pretty much and a down to earth girl who has very expensive taste when it comes to fashion, I like to hang out with my friends and just chill but go out occasionally.
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My Interests

I love spending time with my hubby, my 2 chihuahua's Elvis and Dollar, my family and friends. I love girdles,corsets, garters and stockings. I have a huge fetish with false eyelashes,red lipstick, BIG HAIR, anything pink,tattoos, piercings, vintage clothes, well clothes in general, fabulous shoes and hand bags. In my spare time I enjoy going to yard sales and estate sales around town, thrift stores, antique stores,....well anything that has to do with shopping. You say my name and I am there. I have Elvis memorabilia coming outta my ass! I am going to live in a hansion just in order to store all my shit if I dont stop. I also have a weakness for vintage hairdryers. I think if I bring one more home my husband will kill me. I am always down for a road trip to my home state California, Tombstone, or a weekend get away to VEGAS!!!! Can never say no to a vacation. My favorite holidays are my birthday...(what? to me it is MY holiday), Christmas and Halloween which happens to be my Grandfathers birthday.I am always down for going out on the town with my friends and my man to car shows, bars, movies, etc. My dream car is a PINK 1953 Cadillac Coupe DeVille. Yes just like the one Elvis bought his mama! I am into so many DIFFERENT things that this list can go on and on and on and on...........

I'd like to meet:

Elvis Presley,All the boys from 311(especially Nick Hexum),Daniel Radcliffe...HE IS FUCKING HOT! Dwight Yoakam (but he has to have his hat on!) Jane Mansfield, Bettie Page, Patsy Cline,Frank Sinatra, Fran Drescher, I know its sounds crazy but Anna Nicole Smith, The gorgeous Carmen Miranda, People who are nice and like to have fun. If you are all about drama, forget it! Fellow models and photographers. Crazy hairdressers.


Elvis,The one and only DWIGHT YOAKAM! Wanda Jackson, Johnny Cash, Deke Dickerson, Three Bad Jacks, Deadbolt, Big Sandy, Rumble King (one of my faves!!), Kim Lenz, Marti Brom, Tiger Army, Nekromantix, Social Distortion, The Rev, Stray Cats, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Etta James, Billy Holiday,Rosemary Clooney, Ella Fitzgerald, Lena Horne, Louis Prima, Duke Ellington, Billy Idol,Patsy Cline, Hank Williams Sr., Hank Williams III, 311, Goldfinger, Tool, Nirvana,PortisHead, Bjork, Interpol, The Cure, Flogging Molly........the list can go on and on


All of Elvis' early films from 1957-1962,ALL Harry Potter movies! (cant wait for the last 2), Pillow Talk, Singing in the Rain, Cry-Baby, Hairspray, Edward Scissor Hands, Swingers, Pulp Fiction, Big Fish, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, 50 First Dates, the original Gidget film with Sandra Dee, Grease, the original Ocean's Eleven, Anchors Aweigh(I absolutely love Gene Kelly),Pretty In Pink, Sixteen Candles, Wierd Science, Breakfast Club, Boondock Saints, Napolian Dynamite, La Bamba,The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, I can keep going!


I know I know but I love the Hills, That 70's Show, King of the Hill, Family Guy, I Love Lucy, Dick Van Dyke Show,The Nanny (I love Fran Drescher),Las Vegas (Josh Duhmal is a hottie ), The Simpsons,America's Next top Model, Surrel Life(its addicting!!!), VH1's Famous Life of whoever and all the other pointless celebrity gossip bull shit shows they have on there, Howard Stern, Cartoon Network, Nick toons (you just have to watch cartoons sometimes. You are never too old for them) Wow! I watch alot of TV. Thats sad. Oh well.


Oh I dont know.....anything that is interesting


My mom, Erik the love of my life, My dear friend, the Grandmother of PinUp Kate Donovan,My friends (they are the greatest!!!!!) Patsy Cline, and My grandparents. They have always been there for me and I love those old people to bits!!!!!!

My Blog

My price list

Hello all! If you are wanting your hair done by me, below is my price list. Haircut (men and women) : $20.00 Bangs : $10.00 Updo’s: $50.00 and up Rollersets: $30.00 shampoo style: $30.00 All o...
Posted by Dixie Martin on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 07:52:00 PST

No more TCM on Cox regular cable!!!!!!!!

OK....... what the hell?!?!?!?!? As I am flipping through the channels on tv I come across my favorite station TCM (Turner Classic Movies) and see a little note on the screen. It tells  you that ...
Posted by Dixie Martin on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 09:19:00 PST

this is BULLSHIT!!!!

As a fellow waitress....I am very upset about  this little article in the business section of our Arizona Republic. The article is about how our economy is in a slump and it gives a few little ti...
Posted by Dixie Martin on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 04:28:00 PST

I hate being sick

It seems no matter what I take or what I do I cant shake this nasty cold. This sucks big balls! ...
Posted by Dixie Martin on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 12:36:00 PST

My Internet is DOWN!!!! :C(

I am sad to say that my internet at home is down so if those of you need to get ahold of me call me. But hopefully my husband will fix it soon. I hope everyone has a great week and I will be on when I...
Posted by Dixie Martin on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 07:34:00 PST

I was Tagged by Lolita

Well here it is. My random facts about myself and below are the rules!     Each players starts with seven random fact/habits about themselves. People who get tagged need to write their own ...
Posted by Dixie Martin on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 02:33:00 PST

Practicing my Priscilla Presley look...with pics

Ok...so I have decided to pay tribute to the OTHER man that I love ......Elvis Presley in photos looking like Priscilla Presley. Tonight at school we practiced my makeup and hair. Let me know what you...
Posted by Dixie Martin on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 09:07:00 PST

If I wanna add you or you wanna add me.........PLEASE READ

Ok here it is. If you want to add me and I accept you, dont get mad if you dont hear from me right away or vice versa. I am very busy right now and will be until mid May. I will add you and send ...
Posted by Dixie Martin on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 03:54:00 PST

One of the worst days of my life was today!

All I have to say is I never want to go to another funeral again. To go and pay your last respects to someone that is the same age as you and someone you hung out with and grew up with was the hardest...
Posted by Dixie Martin on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 02:39:00 PST

I am stressin' big time!

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Ok I am stressin' big time. I have so much on my plate right now it is crazy. First things first, I GRADUATE beauty school at the end of next month! Thank god! Im ready for it but then a...
Posted by Dixie Martin on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 09:54:00 PST