SONS OF CRACK DANIELS profile picture


i need a little medicine

About Me

What hideous whiskey-soaked love tryst begat the sons of Crack Daniels I fear to imagine. Somewhere in the backwoods of radio free America, their cracklin souls scratched out of the transistor speakers into our generation. Like time-warped Troubadours from a past with talent unlike todays, the sons of Crack Daniels have grown together in a new musical form. Cracker and Blacker create something entirely unique and apart from their own sounds. Together they create something that Morphine, Primus and Hank Williams would all hear in their waking nightmares. -Adam Mackintosh, Audiocinema
"Pappy liked to do him a little drinkin" says Blacker, the younger of the two half brothers.
Born just days apart, "our time of conception was even closer" says Cracker, "You see ol' daddy Crack, rest his soul, and our mommas did a little partyin one night. and Blacker an' me...well, we're as close to twins as you can get, him bein colored an' all..."
Blacker nods, adding "We never knew pappy, except from one old picture and the stories our mommas tell."
Records show that the senior Daniels died of unknown causes prior to the birth of his sons, and the grief stricken mothers rented a Memphis flat and raised the boys together.
"Our mommas always spoke highly of him," says Cracker, "They say that even though pappy had a reputation for bein wild, he was a good man."
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Member Since: 1/29/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Cracker Daniels: guitar, harmonica, singin, bass, foot stomp; Blacker Daniels: guitar, singin, mandolin, drums, hoots and hollers
Influences: whiskey, women, heartbreak...the usual and the unusual
Sounds Like: a goddam good time!
Record Label: Dream Penis
Type of Label: Indie