HUSKEY! profile picture



About Me

The premier of my daughter as a prop in a potentially offensive video conceived by the brilliant Matt Walsh: My amazingly talented friend Dyna Moe's online series "CAKEY! The Cake From Outer Space" Premiering Feb 8th @ 9:30 on the VH1! FREE RADIO!! A new show with MEEEE! (Brian)Here is a video with my sketch and improv group, Naked Babies, featuring a "long haired" Rob Corddry: This scared my sister. My mega-hit video, Monster in a Wheelchair, very popular with 12 year old boys and guaranteed to get stuck in your head like the most annoying ear wig ever. Here a few videos I did for something called BUD-TV. yeah, a BEER company! So what?!

My Interests

my daughter. my wife. comedy. my dog. rock and the rocking of rock.


IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER-- broken social scene, guided by voices, velvet underground, ted leo and pharmacists, arcade fire, minutemen, hank williams, webb pierce, dinosaur, jr, fourtet, jim o' rourke, flaminglips, dungen, django reinhardt, clinic, constantines, built to spill, british sea power, the kinks, the books, bicycle face , new pornographers, smog, apostle of hustle, the bad plus, black sabbath, japancakes, the figurines, wilco, spade cooley, speedy west and jimmy bryant, johhny cash, m.ward, forgotten city of mulan, god speed you black emperor, okervill river, palace music, pixies, sleater kinney, spoon, pavement, toboggan, xavier cugat, johnny cash,buck owens, spoon


brazil, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, all the monty pythons, crimes and misdemeanors, annie hall, Vernon, Florida, gates of heaven, the shinnning, fargo, raising arizona, king of comedy, chuck and buck... more later. I'm tired.


When Things Were Rotten (Look it up people!)


winnesburg, ohio..on the road, wihtout feathers, civilwarland in bad decline, coming through slaughter, the corrections, post office,


my grandmother

My Blog

BICYCLE FACE ON iTUNES!!! Never before released and frankly some of our best!

Thanks to the cool Type A personality of Norwood Cheek, filmmaker and master bassist, Bicycle Face, my now legendary band, is now availanble on iTunes. Norword has the drive and focus to actually post...
Posted by HUSKEY! on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 08:48:00 PST


Yes, America the time has come and the product is here.MONSTER IN A WHEELCHAIR T-SHIRTS!!Outfit yourselves with the shirt that Paris Hilton would love to wear, if she had a sense of humor... and could...
Posted by HUSKEY! on Wed, 24 May 2006 08:31:00 PST

first day with this "myspace" thingamabobber

well so far so good... I already have a few freinds. It feels good. Yeah, I think people really like me. I was so lonely at friendster. Friendster, ha! More like bullshitlonleyallbymyselfcryingintheco...
Posted by HUSKEY! on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 11:33:00 PST