being a social outcast and not realizing it, annoying people by being myself, being paranoid that my life is actually just a science experiment, borrowing beer money that i probably wont pay back, wait is this supposed to be in a section on hobbies? well its here now because hobbies are interests maybe there is no hobbies section, i enjoy spelling and i'm herrable at it (ha). being able to cmumcianote whtiuot spleilng tnhigs rhigt.
lots of people who want to give me money and tell me that i'm cool
sonic youth, neutral milk hotel, deerhoof, roy orbison, lightning bolt, robert johnson, finga thing, gil manteras party dream, james mccombie, queen pretty, the snails, ambu, sound bionics, voice of addiction, regina spektor, falco, haunted haus,
superman 3, beat street, stanley kubricks whole career(and yes including eyes wide shut you dirty bastards) the seven corperal virtues"an exploration in self exploration, 1991 the year punk broke, the red balloon, blood of a poet, mathew barneys creamaster series (the ones i can find atleast), la strada
Jam, Cosmos, and when i was really young i watched that show about the priest who solved mysteries and i thought his nun sidekick was hot so i might be really fucked in the head.
Brave New World, anything by Frank Miller
the RZA/ Bobby Digital