Band History:
(Most people be like "mane I heard of ya’ll somewhere, GA, SC, FL, AL, MS, TX") Everybody has done something "Nicca Rigg" in they life. If it was putting a trash bag in ya car window, using a nail to lock the door, or putting the red tape on a busted tail light.
Nicca Rigg Entertainment is straight from MISSISSIPPI. It’s made up of 3 main acts and then broken down into solo acts. NRV-"Nicca Rigg Villains" is the veteran group. They have been putting it down in the South since the late nineties when they were young. Having had experience in the game at such an early age has helped them to develop a buzz and style all their own. Now at an age where they can really make business moves, expect a lot of things from this label. Everybody says that they are the next best thing but Nicca Rigg is just some real individuals that make real music, and about handling business. They have been rubbing shoulders with industry heavyweights by networking and keeping a hungry passion for music. You can catch them at any major event grindin’ with a trunk full of cds.