"Most of these 16 songs from the local string collective’s debut are short, played at a fast but not exactly furious rate; more a lazy, comfortable hoedown among friends than firebranded jams. And though lyrically the primary quartet plunders a variety of countrified problems—among them thievery, loneliness, infidelity and missing fingers—the sunniness of the album persists through the easy and accomplished style."—Liz Jones, Austin Sound"It is the Marshall Jones originals—some of which seem one or two centuries old—that make this CD a MUST for any good collection ... This band just oozes real life and real community-based old-fashioned fun."—Duggan Flanakin, Flanfireorder a copy of our CD todayOur 16-song debut CD is available for $10 (postage paid, check, money order, or well-concealed cash) to:Marshall Jones
p.o. box 1448
Austin, TX 78767... or send $10 via PayPal by clicking on the button below. Be sure and include your mailing address! Your CD will be shipped within three days.
photo by Erik Malkemus
marshall has played the following Austin, Texas-area venues:
Beerland* ♦ The Black Cat Lounge ♦ The Broken Spoke ♦ The Cactus Cafe ♦ The Carousel Lounge* ♦ Cheapo Discs ♦ The Clay Pit ♦ Clementine Coffee Bar ♦ Club 115 ♦ Creekside Lounge ♦ Dirty Martin's ♦ Ego’s ♦ The Gingerman ♦ The Green Muse Cafe ♦ Headhunters ♦ Hills Cafe ♦ Jovita’s ♦ Live Oak Brewing Company ♦ The Longbranch Inn ♦ Momo's ♦ The Nutty Brown Cafe* ♦ The Oaks ♦ Opal Divine's Freehouse* ♦ The Parlor ♦ Pato's Good Tacos ♦ Plush ♦ Quack's 43rd Street Bakery ♦ Quack’s Maplewood Bakery ♦ Riley’s Tavern ♦ The Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant ♦ Rock Stars Bar ♦ Ruta Maya ♦ Sam’s Town Point ♦ The Saxon Pub ♦ The Triple Crown ♦ Threadgill's (North) ♦ Threadgill's (South) ♦ Waterloo Icehouse ♦ Woody's South*(* denotes a weekly residency)