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Page Entertainment

Managing Bands To The Next Level

About Me

Page Entertainment is dedicated to Artist Development, managing bands and helping them get to the next level. First and foremost my colleague or myself will attend one of your upcoming shows to evaluate your potential. If we feel there is something we can work with we will sign you on for a 6-12 month period. In that time we will expect you to adhere to a strict schedule we have planned out for practice and shows. If after 6 or 12 months (depending on the schedule we put you on) there is little or no progression we will work on a new technique to help you progress or if there is a marked improvement we start booking you short tours. Also during this time we will determine your studio time for recording if warranted as well as video and photo shoots for promoting and video production.
We listen at your shows/practices and help you in everything we do. We help with your image and style and with your techniques as well.
This is what we do in the simplest form. We have strict guidelines. If you want to make it in this business you have to not only really want it but work extremely hard and have some talent. We can help you but you and the members of your band have to be ready for it. We are not a booking agency but a management company. We do book shows for our signed bands and occasionally offer out shows to our friends list on myspace.
If you are interested in having your band being managed by Page Entertainment please email us at Send us your upcoming show dates you'd like us to attend and we'll have a representative contact you.
We are not a booking agency but a management company. We do help in getting you booked in venues occasionally when it is in our ability to do so.
We really are about helping the local bands as well as others make it. We won't and don't just say it. If we can find you a show with a "like" band elsewhere then we'll do it. No favoritism here. No who do you know, or not know. Everybody needs a helping hand every now and then especially in this business. Page Entertainment is really about helping the Local Scene - you are what makes us successful! Keep playing that amazing music!


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Check Out This Booking Genius!!

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The Classiest and Most Incredible Studio Around!!
Sonica Recording

My Interests


Member Since: 1/22/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Page Entertainment is a member of the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences

Music Video: QUICKSAND (by Sounds Of Silence)

Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone


We are not the solution...but trying to contribute to the cure - opening our doors to all the bands of the area who have their heart and soul in music. Not just a select few. That's what supporting the scene is truly all about now...isn't it?


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Stream Songs Now | Myspace Profile

Stream Songs Now | Myspace Profile

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Now accepting new EPK's

Page Entertainment is now accepting EPK's for the following genres:   Alternative Rock Metal Indie   If you have an EPK we are now accepting them if you mail it in it's entirety to pageente...
Posted by Page Entertainment on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 07:02:00 PST

Page Entertainment Asked to Judge @ Emergenza!

Page Entertainment was recently asked to help judge the final round of Emergenza here in Atlanta.  We are so very honored to be apart of this prestigious event.  There is such an enourm...
Posted by Page Entertainment on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 05:58:00 PST

Copyright Laws pertaining to Photographs

The Copyright Law provides an advantage to photographers. If client and photographer have not agreed in writing that the resulting copyright to the photos will be owned by the client, ownership of any...
Posted by Page Entertainment on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 01:16:00 PST

Friday Was A Night of SHOWS!!

You never really realize how big a city is until you have to drive from one end of it to the other to see bands and look at the talent! Wow!! An amazing night for shows it was! If we told you we were ...
Posted by Page Entertainment on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 07:12:00 PST

Writing to say thanks to those who are willing to give it their all!

Thanks for the huge response on helping to fill in the show in NYC.  American Stalker is doing the show and we had quite a few bands offer to open for them which is extremely cool!  What was...
Posted by Page Entertainment on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 12:01:00 PST