Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux. profile picture

Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux.

progressive producer and dj - Fitzpatrick

About Me

Quick rundown, I am a 26 year old electronic music producer and dj from Birmingham, AL. I am a co-patner and manager of the electronic music label Pastdeux Music. I love hearing from people, feel free to leave comments and send me messages, I return my messages! I like talking to interesting people, that have a passion for their dreams, love for people and love for life. Have a great day! - fitzpatrick -
Current Releases out now:
Fitzpatrick's music is now for sale on!
Who Is Fitzpatrick?
Producer and performer, Jeremy Fitzpatrick Mauldin, more commonly known simply as Fitzpatrick defines both of these words. As both a producer and performer, Fitzpatrick has wowed audiences for over 8 years. As a producer, he has released two original albums, several singles,as well as the wildly popular Interstate Traveler series. As a performer, he's appeared on mix shows from Birmingham to Australia on top of brining his trademark blend of driving, emotional beats to audiences all over the world. Often compared to producer/DJtypes such as D:Fuse and Christopher Lawrence, Fitzpatrick is the next player in the ever growing list of top American Trance producers.Fitzpatrick's journey began in 1996, as the roots of Tech-Industrial music were taking hold. As Fitzpatrick discovered his passion for creating music, the M-Edge project was born.This project stayed with him for several years and several initial releases while he toured over the Southeastern United States. His talent finally landed him as the resident DJ at Club Trinity for over two years. Being out of the production scene forced Fitzpatrick to expand his musical horizons. The sounds of Paul van Dyk and John "00" Fleming filled his ears and his mind as the powerful and emotional sounds of trance dominated the world dance scene. This is where Fitzpatrick would find his home.Trance had become his destination, and he was already on his way.Fitzpatrick's music takes listeners to another world; a place not seen, but experienced. He creates a world that takes you to a higher level. His sound is so distinctive that you automatically know it's Fitzpatrick on the tables. Seeing Fitzpatrick play isn't just an aural experience, it's a total immersion into a world of introspective discovery. The Fitzpatrick experience is just the beginning. Come discover what thousands the world over have learned. Come take a journey with the original Interstate Traveler.www.whoisfitzpatrick.comFitzpatrick's Discography (2004-Current):
Almost + Re:Born (2008) - Pastdeux Music
- Almost
- Re:born
Flashback EP (2007) - BTU Recordings
- original
- o'neels mix
- sleep walking
Interstate Traveler EP (2006) - BTU Recordings
- original
- jacksin's freezer spoon mix
- o'neels porkchop sandwhiches mix
"Another F*ckin villin" & "Dennis the tennis player" (2004) - original track - indie
- created for sidewalk film fest scramble film "Another F*cking Villan" -
"Demon Within" (2004) - soundtrack score - indie
- for chiller cinema contest -
"Fits Perfect" (2004) - original album - indie
"While the city sleeps..." (2003) - orginal album - indie
M-Edge - Formar Project - (1998-2000) Discography:
"Fmod+" (1999) - Balistic Test 10 (Compilation) - Flaming Fish Music
"Factory Manufactured" (1999) - Escape the Furnace Part 3&4 (Compilation) - Blacklight Records
"demo" (1999) - orginal demo - indie
1. Factory Manufactured
2. Need You
3. Deserted
4. Dead Run
5. Fmod+
6. Hopeless
7. Sector 8
"Omega" (1998) - Collapsing Structure (Compilation) - Blacklight Records
Assembly Line - Original Project - (1996-1997):
"Fast v1.7" (1996) - Balistic Test 2 (Compilation) - Flaming Fish Music

ATTN PRODUCERS: If you would like your tracks to be played send me a message and I will respond with an e-mail address you can send a promo copy to. Links are preferred, and I will not host your track on our server.
Contact E-Mail: Fitzpatrickbook[@at]

My Interests


Member Since: 2/22/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Fitzpatrick Mauldin - dj / producer / graphic designer
Influences: Hybrid, John "00" Fleming, Paul Van Dyk, Infected Mushroom, Micro, Nicolas Bennison, M.I.K.E., Sander Van Dorn, Shiloh, Tidy Trax, Rank 1, Uberzone, Space Men, Circle of Dust, Klank, Celldweller, Mortal, Nine Inch Nails, X-Dream, John O Callihan, Sasha, Nick Warren, Seb Fontane, Sander K, Astrix, Beyond Unreal, Signum
Sounds Like: fitzpatrick!Click Here to Download1. D-Suckers - Danger2. The Stain - Horizon3. 4Mal - Red Dust (Dust N Ashes Dub)4. DFE - Core5. Manuel De La Mar - Sphynx6. Juce - Dreamer7. Mike Foyle - Firefly8. Fitzpatrick - Sort it Out9. Leron & Yves Faux, Luke Star - Fashionized10. Don Londi - Not Done
Record Label: BTU Recorings
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Fitzpatrick on CBS42 News

Hey guys, While it is still up you can check out my spot on on the video player to the right. I was going to embed the video but for some reason it won't work. It was very exciting to b...
Posted by Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux. on Mon, 12 May 2008 08:36:00 PST

Good music is Pastdeux... Take a listen and find out..

Pastdeux Music's Releases - Out now:Jacksin & Anthony Paul - NICCCCCE (Original Mix) - From Norfolk to Birmingham, this electro-tinged floor killer is a proven weapon in the fight against monotony...
Posted by Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux. on Tue, 06 May 2008 01:08:00 PST

Pastdeux Music is getting more airplay

Jacksin actually posted this but I figured I'd repost it to let you guys know we have been receiving airplay.Repost of Jacksin's Blog:I recently got airplay on another one of my tracks, my Nigh Row Be...
Posted by Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux. on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 09:15:00 PST

The Podcast of Pastdeux is up and running...

The Podcast has now been added to iTunes here is the approved link. t?id=276223604If your a fan of house, progressive, electro or techno mus...
Posted by Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux. on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 10:03:00 PST

Answer me this.. what is...

Muffincore? Tell me! I must know! Wikipedia says nothing about this Muffincore. But there it is, right under my proton radio. Do tell if you know...
Posted by Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux. on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 09:56:00 PST

Attn: Members of the Dance Music Industry

PRESS RELEASETo: The Music Industry - Music Press, Promoters, Djs, Producers, and ClubsFrom: Pastdeux MusicGreetings to fellow members music industry, Fitzpatrick, Jacksin and Alex B are proud to...
Posted by Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux. on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 10:27:00 PST

Squares is coming...

Its that time again. With the new fomation of Pastdeux music I’ve been extremely busy but I’ve had the time to write quite alot of new music. My next artist album is in works and is tenati...
Posted by Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux. on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:15:00 PST

Coming Soon

Be looking for it, its coming soon...Good music is Pastdeux.. ...
Posted by Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux. on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 10:02:00 PST

Wii Must wait... xbox360 for now :)

The Saga comes to a close...Well it was taking too long to get my hands on a Nintendo Wii but I decided to be crazy and get an Xbox360. And I am VERY satisfied, this system is great. And with a short ...
Posted by Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux. on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 02:27:00 PST

The story of Fitzpatrick and IMPULSE buying...

  For those who don't know me. I am a very frugle spender, I grew up in not the most rich of familys. We always had struggles with money due to an illness in the family. So I learned to work for ...
Posted by Fitzpatrick - New Release out on Pastdeux. on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 12:10:00 PST