Member Since: 1/21/2006
Band Website: marcehannaford(at)
Band Members: "Marc Hannaford's trio, featuring countrymen in bassist Philip Rex and drummer Ken Edie, reveal in Hannaford's new The Garden of Forking Paths (Extreme Records) that improvisational music from Down Under is as lively as anywhere Up Over and in between. The pianist/leader's mature percussive approach mixes moments of densely packed runs with choice single note passages that intermingle and shine ideally to suit his trio mates strengths of forward pushing experimentation and collective improvisational-heavy momentum. And when the great Aussie trumpet-playing standout Scott Tinkler contributes his blistering forays into the mix on 3 of the 8 tracks (including the 17-plus minute opus "G.E.B."), the sky - and none less - is the limit. Hopefully more ears will become acquainted with this original voice whose playing is devoid of cliche, not often an easy thing to say in this oversaturated market of music. Hannaford has surrounded himself with similarly-minded musicians, one and all serious top-notch improvisers with a level of empathy not commonly found, making for a strong personal statement in this highly recommended recording. I know my hopes would be high to expect this group to perform in New York in the near future, given the sad state of economics, the US government and the associated traveling hassles with visas and the like - but one can still hope." - Laurence Donahue Greene (Managing Editor of All About Jazz